Activities done by Homoeopathic Academy of Research & Charities (H.A.R.C.) Trust Parbhani
Our Social Activities 2017-18 (Pdf Format)
Social Activities 2018-19 (Pdf Format)
Our Social Activities 2019-20 (Pdf Format)
Our Social Activities 2020-21 (Pdf Format)
Supportive Treatment to AIDS patients especially Orphan orphan children:
With Homoeopathic Medicines we have tried to concentrate on Supportive management like Multivitamins, Antioxidants, Multiminerals, Haematinics, and In Diarrhoea cases Oral Rehydrating fluid given.
For poor & oprhan Orphan children we had started Nutritious food diets & supplements, Milk, Biscuits, daily needed things like toothpaste, toothbrush, soap, washing powder, coconut oil, petroleum jelly, Sprout diet like Matki, Groundnut, GUD, Chana, Sugar, Rice, cleansing material like Phenol, Savalon liquid from our Trust.
Psychological Counseling & Support: As patients are depressed & have no hope for living Life in that cases we had given & giving constant psychotherapy, Meditation, Positive attitude towards life, Educational programs, Sex education, Sports, Exercises, Yoga, Pranayamas etc.
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For any query related to our social work contact Dr Pawan S Chandak at +91-9422924861