Modern Homoeopathy -

An Evidence based Homoeopathy

Female Infertility  And Homeopathic Cure -Uterine fibroid and Ovarian cyst   


Dr.G.K.Shangloo          Dr.Sharad Shangloo     Dr.Sunit Shangloo


Meera Shangloo Homoeopathic Research center

70/59 Rani Mandi Allahabad U.P India 211003

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One of the causes of infertility in females is Uterine Fibroids and Ovarian Cysts. For which total removal of uterus is generally advised. In cases of ovarian cysts also most of the times the ovaries are removed .It leads to a lot of post –operative complications like gaining of weight , increased irritability , lack of interest in sex and above all Total zero chances of pregnancy .Hormone therapy has got a lot of side effects. 

OBJECTIVE: To establish the positive role of Homoeopathy in curing surgical diseases like uterine fibroid and ovarian cyst through homoeopathic medicine at the general practice in Allahabad India.

MATERIAL AND METHODS: The well-proven Homeopathic medicines were selected on the basis of principles of homeopathy to the patients of uterine fibroid and ovarian cyst during the period of 1996 to 2004.  The patients were assessed on the basis changes in the symptoms during the period of 3-4 months and Ultrasound done after that to Asses the size of fibroid.

RESULTS:  Statistical Data of patients cured by us:1996-2004 
No. Of Patients entered- 123 
No. Of patients who followed the protocol-100 
No. Of patients which improved-85 
No. Of patients with complete removal of fibroid 48 
NO. Of patients whose size reduced but no complete removal-20 
Success rate Cure-48% 
Rate of Response to Homoeopathy- 85% 
CONCLUSIONS: Homeopathy is becoming increasingly popular in whole of the world. Now it is time to prove to the world what homeopathy can offer in surgical diseases. Homeopathic medicines cannot take the place of surgery but can be of great help to the patients, which do not want to go for surgery or cannot be operated upon due to various medical reasons. It is also ideal for underdeveloped and developing countries where financial factor play a major role in deciding the options for treatment.


Mrs. Naznin, Age 35 yrs.  
U.S.G. dated- 20.5.2004 Hepatospleenomegaly. Bulky uterus & multiple fibroid uterus. Uterus – Antevated in position bulks in size about 8.5 cm in length. Two hypo-echoic fibroids size (11 mm & 31 mm) are present at fundus. 
Large Hypo-echoic fibroid 43 mm diameter is present in left side lower part body of the uterus. Another small fibroid 15 mm diameter is present in right side.  
Present Complaints – 
Pain in lower abdomen extending to upper abdomen, stitching pain, burning > pressure, rubbing.  
Menses – Timely – thin, watery, last 2 days.  
Before menses – Camp like pain in abdomen, back & leg > movement cold, cold drinks.  
During menses -Pain decrease.  
After menses-O.K.  
Leucorrhoea – thin, watery, sticky 
Swelling in lower back  
Headache – Forehead extending to the vertex, pain is better by cold washing. 
Appetite- Decreased- likes salty things. 
Thirst Increased- cold water, even in winters. 
Stool not clear- once.  
Urine – Burring, yellow. 
Sleep – Increased. 
Temperament – Increased anger– expressive, irritable, mental tension of husband’s second marriage, likes to be alone, weeping while narrating the case. 
Hot patient. 
Past Complaint- 
Jaundice – 2 times, last time 6 month back  
Family History-  
Father-dead-Heart Attack 
Mother-alive-Gall Bladder stone.  
Analysis of the case- 
After taking the case history of the patient we came to the conclusion that the epicenter of the entire disturbance is THE GRIEF  (husband’s second marriage). 
Symptoms used for first prescription
1. Grief of husband’s second marriage (Kent’s repertory, page50, Mind: Grief: PULSATILLA grade-1, Natrum Mur grade-1). 
2. Weeping while narrating case history (Kent’s repertory, page94, Mind: Weeping; telling of her sickness, when: PULSATILLA grade-1). 
3.Menses scanty – changeable sometimes thin water and some times thick dark clotted    (Kent’s repertory, page 725, Genitalia-Female: Menses; changeable in appearance- PULSATILA grade-1). 
4. Pain in back and legs > by movement, cold application                                            (Kent’s repertory, page896, Back: Pain, motion on, amelioration: Pulsatilla grade-2) 
(Kent’s repertory, page 1075, Extremities: Pain, Leg; motion ameliorates: PULSATILLA grade-1) 
(Kent’s repertory, page 1075, Extremities: Pain, leg; cold application ameliorates: Pulsatilla grade-2) 
First prescription – 
Pulsatilla 200 was given on 5.6.2004 two doses at 15 minutes interval followed by sack-lack four times a day just for the mental satisfaction of the patient. 
Main reason for selecting Pulsatilla was the Grief of husband second marriage besides this the other symptoms selected above also indicates the remedy. 
First Follow-up of the case- 
Patient came on 12.6.2004 there was reduction in pain & some improvement in weeping tendency, the same medicine was continued every week in the similar manner as stated above till 8.8.2004. 
Second follow-up on 16.8.2004 - 
Patient came on 16.8.2004 with intense desire for extra salt, grief, great weakness and depression, so Natrum mur 200 was given two doses at 15 minutes interval. 
Patient came on 23.8.2004 there was no pain, menses was normal, and desire for extra salt was reduced so the same medicine was continued till 17.12.2004. 
Third follow-up on  27.12.2004- 
Patient came on 27.12.2004 with headache - forehead > cold application (Kent’s repertory page 156 Head: pain, forehead; cold application ameliorates: Phosphorus grade-2) with intense thirst for large quantities of cold water, Phosphorus 1000 was given two doses at 15 minutes interval. 
Second ultrasound – dated- 6/1/2005- Uterus – Is anteverted . Bulky and irregular in contour. Myometrium appears inhomogeneous and shows a hypo-echoic S.O.L. an posterio –lateral aspect of body –fibromyoma- size 6.4*4.6*4.3cm cavity appears normal Uterus size-8.9*5*8cm 
Impression- Bulky Uterus with fibromyoma (subserous) 
Patient came on 10.1.2005 with the ultrasound report, on comparing with the previous ultrasound as we can see there is great deal of improvement – two hypo-echoic fibroid (size 11mm & 31mm diameter) present at the fundus of uterus and small fibroid of 15mm size present in the right side of the body of uterus has disappeared , there was no headache and she was absolutely fine so the same medicine was continued. 
The treatment is still continuing and patient is feeling normal. 
Miss Savita, Age 38 yrs 

U.S.G. dated- 11.5.04 – Adnexae – Left adnexae show well-defined, cystic lesion with internal low level echoes, size measures 3.2 cm. Right is visualized. Normal 
Present Complaints- 
Pain in lower abdomen– 2-3 month old. Neuralgic pain extending to chest, pulsating pain –increases and decreases gradually worse ascending, lifting weight, jar. Better by rest, passing flatus, rubbing. 
Menses, early 8-10 days, last 10-12 days.  
Menses dark maroon coloured with small clots.  
Before menses –  
Pain in abdomen –increases and decreases gradually better by rubbing aggravated by cold. Pain in abdomen accompanied by swelling in abdomen.  
During menses- 
Pain in abdomen with swelling.  
After Menses- 
Intense pain for a day before menses ceases. 
Wart on axilla & back.  
Burning in right lower abdomen > cold washing. 
Leucorrhoea after menses – thick /thin, white like starch during urination.  
Appetite- Normal likes salty things. 
Thirst Increased. 
Urine – dirty in colour and foul smelling. 
Stool – Normal 
Sleep –Normal. 
Dreams of relative especially father & mother 
Temperament – Increased anger – suppressed, mental tension, grief, weeps easily, nervous, like to be alone, think too much.  
Extreme hot & cold.  
Past Complaints- 
Typhoid – 4-6 yrs back and 5/6 yr of Age. – Allopathic Treatment.  
Had fall – 6-7 years back – 2 times  
Eczema on leg – black – wet, sticky discharge aggravated by salty thing relieved by cold washing, cold air– Allopathic treatment. 
Gland on back  
Family history – 
Father-dead-Koch’s, Diabetes 
Mother-dead- Liver cancer 
Analysis of the case- 
After taking the case history of the patient we came to the conclusion that there are two things, which has to be brought in control first they are the pain & early – prolonged menses. 
Symptoms used for first prescription- 
1.Menses, profuse last 10 days, dark maroon coloured, clotted. 
2.Pain in abdomen better by rubbing  (Lotus Materia Medica by Robinmurphy Page-1111, Medorrhinum, Modalities- better hard rubbing). 
3.Father diabetic & mother died of liver cancer. 
4.Fibroids are sycotic in nature. 
First prescription 
Medorrhinum 200 was given on 15.7.2004 two doses at 15minute interval followed by another two doses at 15minute interval the next week. 
First follow-up – 
 The patient came on 31.7.2004 and reported improvement in bleeding & pain, the same medicine was continued as stated above. Since there was improvement in pain as well as bleeding so Pulsatilla was not given.  
Second follow-up- 
Patient came on 24.10.2004 with profuse bleeding of fresh blood & great weakness. 
THUJA 200 two dose was given followed by CHINA 30 every 3hours for four days. 
Third follow-up – 
Patient came on 28.7.2004 and said she is feeling ok, Medorrhinum 1000 was given two doses at 15 minutes interval every fifteen days interval. 
Fourth follow-up – 
Patient came on 8.1.2005 with the sensation of a ball in the lower abdomen SEPIA 200 was given (Lotous materia medica by Dr. Robin Murphy. M.D. page 1597; Sensations as of a ball in inner parts) 
Second U.S.G. – DT-8.1.2005- Normal scan. 
The treatment was continued for another two month to remove the chance of reformation 


Mr. Uma Singh  Case no 282-30  
Ultrasound- dated- 30.09.2003 Uterine Fibromyoma.  
Uterus – Enlarged (98 x 48 mm) with large hypo-echoic area near the fundus of the uterus having mixed echogenicity and large defined margins.  
Present complaints- 
Married for past 3years no issue. 
No Pain during menses. 
Menses – delayed – 1-1½ months last one day – Excessive bleeding.  
Gastric complaint –Increased eructation. 
Intercourse much painful. 
Palpitation < after eating  
Bleeding Piles – First blood  
Leucorrhoea – thick, white, sticky; profuse.  
Appetite – Decreased– little fills up abdomen.  
Thirst – Normal  
Stool – sometimes hand – first part knotted then soft  
Urine – Normal 
Sleep – Normal 
Temperament – Anger – suppressed, weeps easily. 
Chilly patient. 
Past Complaint- 
Malaria – 1-2 times  
Family History- 
Father – dead- No serious disease 
Mother –alive-No serious disease 
Analysis of the case – 
As we all know that fibroids are sycotic in nature & as there was no special menstrual symptoms to prescribe upon so we decided to start the case with indicated anti-sycotic medicine followed by medicine indicated by generalities, as there was no family history or past history of the patient to influence the prescription. 
 Symptoms for first prescription- 
1.Menses -delayed – 1- 1 ½ month – last one day – with excessive bleeding of fresh blood. 
2.Bleeding piles of fresh red blood (sycotic miasm) 
3.Palpitation worse eating after (Kent’s repertory- page- 875- Chest: Palpitation; eating after –thuja grade-3) 
4.Appetite – little fills up abdomen (Lycopodium) 
5.Stool first part hard knotted, difficult to pass (Lycopodium) 
6.Intercourse much painful (vagina very sensitive preventing sex- Thuja- Robin Murphy material medica)  
First prescription- 
Thuja 200 was given on 22.10.2003 two doses at fifteen minutes interval followed by Lycopodium 200 the next week. 
First follow-up – 
Patient came on 7.11.2003 with improvement in appetite, stool and menstrual bleeding  (dark red blood followed by normal bleeding) so the same medicine was repeated as stated above. 
Second follow-up- 
Patient came on 6.2.2004 with pain in lower abdomen pain increases suddenly and decreases gradually; pain relieved by movement, cold application, movement and the patient was Thirst less. Pulsatilla 200 was given two doses at 15 minutes interval, which relieved the pain. 
Third follow up- 
Patient came on 14.2.2004 with 90% reduction in pain so Pulsatilla 200 was repeated again, two doses at 15minutes interval. 
Fourth follow up  - 
Patient came on 3.3.2004 with constipation first part hard, difficult & knotted, so Lycopodium 200 was given two doses at 15 minutes interval followed by Pulsatilla 200 the next week. 
Second Ultrasound –Dated-25.3.2004 Uterus is anteverted . No focal myometrial lesion is visualizes. Cavity appears normal in size- 7.3*3.8cm. 
Impression – Normal scan. 
Fifth follow up- 
Patient came on 31.3.2004 with normal ultrasound report as stated above. The treatment was continued till 16.7.2004 with Pulsatilla 1000 two doses at 15 minutes interval followed by Thuja 1000 the next week. 
(Note- It is advisable to give high potency of the indicated medicine or of the indicated anti miasmatic medicine before closing the treatment to prevent the reoccurrence of the disease) 
Mrs.Vimma Age-30years
Ultrasound- A 3.45*2.15 cm fundal mass is seen? fibroid.  
Present Complaints – 
Menses irregular – 1-2 days.  
Clots  – sometimes – dark blood with liquid blood – last 5 days.  
Before menses - 
Pain – 2-3 days before the start of menses –pain increases and decreases gradually > warmth, passing flatus, pressure, rubbing. 
Gastric complaint > passing flatus. 
During menses - 
Pain increases  
After menses - 
Pain decreases gradually. 
Pain in lower back. 
Appetite – normal  
Thirst – less 
Stool – not clear, first part hard.  
Urine – normal  
Sleep – normal 
Temperament – nervous, weeps easily, thinks too much 
Extreme hot & cold  
Past complaint- 
No history of any serious disease. 
Family History- 
Father – death – O.K.  
Analysis of the case- 
After taking the case history of the patient we came to the conclusion that there are enough valuable menstrual to prescribe upon, so we started the case from the medicine indicated by the menstrual symptoms

Symptoms used for first prescription -  
1.Menses changeable in appearance (Kent’s repertory, page 725, Genitalia-Female: Menses; changeable in appearance- PULSATILA grade-1) 
2.Menses dark clotted last 5 days (Kent’s repertory, page725, Genitalia-Female: Menses; clotted- dark – Lycopodium, Pulsatilla grade-2). 
3.Pain appears suddenly and disappears gradually (Kent’s Repertory, page1377, Generalities: Pain; appears suddenly-disappears gradually- Pulsatilla grade-2). 
4.Thirstless (Kent’s repertory, page530, Stomach-Thirstless- PULSATILLA grade-1). 
First prescription – 
Pulsatilla 200 was given on 16.10.2004 two doses at 15 minutes interval. 
First follow-up – 
Patient came on 23.10.2004 gastric problem – increased flatulence, which gives relief to abdominal uneasiness, so Lycopodium 200 was given two doses at 15 minutes interval followed by Pulsatilla 200 the fourth day. She could not tell any change in menstrual symptoms because her menses was due in November. 
Second follow-up – 
Patient came on 2.11.2004with reduction in menstrual bleeding and pain so the same medicine (Pulsatilla 200) was continued weekly. 
Third follow-up – 
Patient came on 6.1.2005 with complaint of nausea from smell of food; colchicum 200 was given and we advised the patient to under go urine test for pregnancy. 
Fourth Follow-up – 
Patient came on 18.1.2005 with positive pregnancy test. There was reduction in nausea from smell of food so colchicum 200 was repeated. 
Second Ultrasound – dated-27.1.2005- Pregnancy of 11 week’s and 3days. No fibroid. 
Fifth follow up – 
Patient came on 28.1.2005 with normal ultrasound report.


Mrs. Saroj

Ultrasound- dated- 31.12.03 -Small left renal calculus with left sided – indiscrete adnexal mass, most likely T.O. mass.  
Lt. Kidney – 4 mm in the lower calyx. 
Left – Indiscrete solid mass of 4.8 x 3.9 x 3.4 cm. 
Present complaints – 
Pain in umblical region – extending upwards to chest –Pain increases suddenly and decreases gradually – Cramp like pain < pressure.  
Nausea sometimes. 
Pain with restlessness  
Pain in whole body < right > movement, warmth. 
Appetite – Normal  
Thirst– Less / Normal  
Stool – Normal  
Urine – Normal  
Menses – Scanty – Now normal.  
Sleep – Normal  
Temperament–Increased anger – expressive, irritation, mental tension, nervous, weeps easily, thinks two much.  
Extreme Hot & Cold.  
Past Complaint – 
Ring worm on hands and leg-Homoeopathic Treatment  
Family History- 
Father – alive – Arthritis  
Mother – alive – O.K.  
Analysis of the case – 
After taking the case history of the patient the first medicine, which came into our mind was Pulsatilla. 
Symptoms used for first prescription – 
1.Pain increases suddenly and decreases gradually (Kent’s Repertory, page1377, Generalities: Pain; appears suddenly-disappears gradually- Pulsatilla grade-2). 
2.Thirst less (Kent’s repertory, page- 530, Stomach-Thirst less- PULSATILLA grade-1). 
3.Weeps easily (Kent’s repertory, page-92, Mind: Weeping, tearful mood, etc: PULSATILLA grade-1, Bovista grade-2) 
First prescription – 
Pulsatilla 200 was given two doses at 15minutes interval on 11.1.2004 followed by another two doses at 15minutes interval the next week. 
First follow-up – 
Patient came on 24.1.2004 with slight improvement in pain and there was no change in the symptoms, Pulsatilla 1000 was given two doses at 15 minutes interval followed by another two doses after 15days. 
Second follow-up – 

Patient came on 22.2.2004 with leucorrhoea thick, acrid, white, follows menses. Leucorrhoea aggravated by movement. 
(Kent’s repertory, page723, Genitalia-Female: Leucorrhoea; Thick: Bovista-grade-2, Pulsatilla grade-2) 
(Kent’s repertory, page723, Genitalia-Female: Leucorrhoea; White: Bovista-grade-2 Pulsatilla grade-2) 
(Kent’s repertory, page722, Genitalia-Female: Leucorrhoea; menses, after: Bovista-grade-1, Pulsatilla grade-2) 
(Kent’s repertory, page721, Genitalia-Female: Leucorrhoea; Acrid, excoriating: Bovista-grade-2, PULSATILLA grade -1) 
(Kent’s repertory, page723, Genitalia-Female: Leucorrhoea; walking aggravates: Bovista-grade-1) 
Bovista 200 was given on 22.2.2004 two doses at 15 minutes interval followed by Pulsatilla 1000 two doses at 15minutes interval the next week. Medicine was given in a similar manner for another 15 days. 
Third follow-up – 
Patient came on 14.3.2004 with improvement in leucorrhoea so the same medicine was repeated as stated above. 
Second Ultrasound -dated – 6.6.2004- Adnexae-Both the adnexae including ovaries appears normal. No free fluid or mass lesion is visualized in the pelvic cavity. 
Fourth follow-up  - 

Patient came on 6.6.2004 with normal ultrasound report. The treatment was with same medicine for another three month to route out the chance of re occurrence. 

Mrs. Maimunnissa Age – 26 year 
Ultrasound-dated- 9.12.2003 -Shows left ovarian cyst measuring 112 x 89 mm. 
Present Complaints- 
Since puberty menses lasted one day only, got D and C done, then menses lasted 3 day but bleeding always less. All the complaints started after puberty. There is no pain in menses.  
Occasional stitching pain in left Ovary, pain extending upwards > pressure. 
Bleeding of bright red blood with dark small stringy clots.  
No leucorrhoea.  
Numbness of both hands and legs.  
Mind: irritable but able to express. 
Sensation as if an animal is moving in the stomach. 
Appetite – More but weight constant. 
Thirst – Normal 
Stool – Clear. 
Past Complaints  
Burning during urination 2 year back. 
Severe pain in the back - worse first motion relieved by continued motion. Pulsating pain.  
Typhoid – once- one month’s back also complicated to brain fever.  
Frequent attacks of fever with chill along with pain in body and shivering. Shivering with thirst towards evening 6pm to 2am- Fever not now, stopped after allopathic medicine eight month before the start of menses. 
Family History- 
Father – Normal 
Mother – Heart problem.  
Analysis of the case- 
As it is clear from the case history of the patient that her complaint started after suppression of fever from allopathic medicines, so we decided to start the case from the medicine indicated in the fever at that time, also keeping in mind her present complaints 
Symptoms used for first prescription – 
 1.Fever from 6pm to 2am (C.M.Boger -Time of the remedies and moon phases, page 32; 
6p.m.: Sepia, sulphur. 
2.Shivering with thirst; worse, toward evening (William Boericke Materia Medica, page-588, SEPIA- Fever- - Shivering with thirst; worse, towards evening).                   
3.Menses scanty lasted one day only before D&C (Kent’s repertory, page 728, Genitalia- Female: Menses, scanty; short duration-one day only—SEPIA grade-1). 
4.Stitching pain in left ovary (Kent’s repertory, page-742, Pain, stitching, ovaries; Left: sepia grade-1). 
5.All the complaint started after puberty (Lotous Materia Medica by Robin Murphy, Sepia, page-1595, Female – Never well since puberty). 
6. Sensation of animal moving in the stomach (“ Sensation as if- A repertory of subjective symptoms by HERBERT A. ROBERTS, M.D. Page260, STOMACH- Animal were moving about in stomach-SEPIA). 
First Prescription – 
SEPIA-200 was given on 8.1.2004 two doses at 15 minutes interval once a week. 
First follow-up- 
Patient cane on 14.1.2004 with feeling of some improvement, so the same medicine was continued as stated above.  
Second ultrasound- dated 6.4.2004 – Left ovary is large and cystic with a few fine septae within. Wall appears smooth. Size 7.8*5.6*5.0cm. 
Second follow-up  -
Patient came on 6.4.2004 with above mentioned ultrasound report, showing great deal of improvement. The same medicine was continued. 
Third follow up – 
Patient came on 14.11.2004 with acute attack of pain in lower abdomen (throbbing pain) pain increases and decreases suddenly not relieved by pressure-Belladonna 1000 was given three doses at 10mintes interval keeping in mind the intensity of the pain. 
(Kent’s Repertory, page1377, Generalities: Pain; appears suddenly-BELLADONNA – grade1) 
(Kent’s Repertory, page1377, Generalities: Pain; Disappear suddenly-Belladonna – grade2) 
(William Boericke Materia medica, page1095, Sepia – remedies that follows well- Belladonna) 
Fourth follow-up – 
Patient came on 29.11.2004 with no pain, Sepia 200 was repeated again. 
Third Ultrasound – dated-3.1.2005- Multicystic left adnexal structure size 5.96*4.38 cm. 
Fifth follow-up- 
There was further reduction in size of the ovary; Sepia 1000 was given two doses at 15minutes interval after every 15 days. The treatment is still continuing and the patient is improving.


Mrs. Kumari Devi, Age 50 yrs. 
Ultrasound- dated. 6.8.2003. Chronic cholecystitis with cholelithiasis with bulky uterus with (1) Fibroid uterus, (2) Adenomyosis. 
Gall bladder is contracted with multiple echogenic foci moves with posture with acoustic shadowing G.B. size 60 mm x 14.3 mm.  
Uterus show bulky in size with mild hyper-echoic ovoid shaped mass in posterior wall with irregular out line size 41.2 mm x 35 mm, volume 26.4 ml.  
Urine dated- 6.8.2003 Epithelial cell 6-8 cell/hpf, pus cell 3-5 cell/ hpf.  
Present complaints – 
Pain in right abdomen- pain in epigastrium extending to right abdomen pain increases and decreases suddenly neuralgic pain better by pressure, rubbing, cold water, passing flatus, after stool.   
Sometimes nausea and vomiting during pain: relieved by drinking hot tea. 
Neuralgic pain in lower abdomen with excessive bleeding six months back, dark black clots.  
Swelling in urethra < walking.  
Burning all the time in urethra > cold air, cold washing.  
Pain in lower back, since bleed started 6 month back < morning > movement, warmth, pressure.  
Generalities – 
Appetite – Decreased/ Normal 
Thirst – Increased – Cold water even in winters. 
Stool – Not clear – once – First part hard knotted – then soft passes on straining. 
Urine – Frequent urination with burning. 
Sleep – sometime decreased, sometimes dreams also. 
Temperament- Increased anger – suppressed, irritation, grief, nervous, weeps easily, like be alone, thinks too much.  
Hot patient. 
Past Complaints – 
Typhoid – 30 years back – Allopathic Treatment  
Malaria – 30 years back  
Abortion – during that period.  
Family History – 
Father – dead – Asthmatic  
Sister – alive – Tuberculosis 
Analysis of the case - 
As from the case history of the patient it is clear that this is a case of “UNCOMMON PECULIAR SYMPTOM”. In homoeopathy these symptoms are most important because they brings out the individuality of the patient. It is advisable not to leave these symptoms unattended. In homoeopathy we treat the patient on the totality of the symptoms, totality does not mean the numerical sum of all the symptoms, but totality means sum total of those symptoms, which brings out the individuality of the patient. We as a homoeopath can very easily prescribe the medicine on rare uncommon and peculiar symptoms even if other symptoms contradict the remedy (provided if you have any other group of symptoms which are very important, but we can say from our experience that this is nearly impossible). 
Symptoms used for first prescription – 
1.Desires cold water even in winters (Uncommon rare and peculiar symptom-PHOSPHORUS). 
2.Pain in right hypochondrium and epigastric region better by rubbing (Kent’s repertory, page 564, Abdomen- Rubbing ameliorates: Phosphorus grade-3) 
(Kent’s repertory, page 1398, Generalities-Rubbing ameliorates: PHOSPHORUS grade-1, cheledonium grade-3). 
3.Uriation frequent (Kent’s repertory, page 657, Bladder-urination, frequent: phosphorus grade-3, cheledonium grade-3). 
First prescription – 

Phosphorus 200 was given on 9.9.2003 two doses at 15minutes interval weekly for one month. 
First follow-up – 
Patient came on 11.10.2003 with improvement in all her complaints so the same medicine was repeated. 
Second follow-up – 
Patient came on 14.11.2003 with gall stone colic. 
1.Pain in right hypochondrium extending to back (backward)(Kent’s Repertory, page564, Abdomen, Pain, hypochondria: extending backwards: CHELEDONIUM grade-1). 
2.Pain in right hypochondrium relieved after eating (Kent’s Repertory, page563, Abdomen, Pain, hypochondria: eating ameliorates: Cheledonium grade-2). 
3.Nausea and vomiting during pain relieved by drinking hot tea (William boericke 
material medica, page 190, Cheledonium majus- Stomach-Nausea vomiting better very hot water). 
4.Pain in right hypochondrium relieved by pressure (William boericke 
materia medica, page 191, Cheledonium majus- Stomach- Modalities- better after dinner, pressure) 
Cheledonium 200 was given two doses at 15minutes interval, which relieved the pain. Phosphorus 200 was continued weekly. 
Second ultrasound- dated- 27.5.2004- No bulky uterus and fibroid seen. 
Gall bladder- Normal in size with evidence of full of multiple large irregular calculus of varying size and acoustic shadow seen. 
Third follow-up – 
Patient came 28.5.2004 with her second ultrasound report, on comparing it with the previous report we can see that there is no bulky uterus, uterine fibroid and size of the gallbladder is normal. The treatment is continuing for gallbladder stone. 


Mrs. Sashi, Age – 22 yrs.  
Ultrasound- dated- 17.9.2003-Right adnexae shows a mass of 38 x 37 mm cystic lesion with internal echoes.  
Opinion  – Rt. adnexal mass (R.T.O. mass).  
Present Complaints- 

Pain in abdomen occasional now.  
Continuous since 3 days. Frequently changing position. Pain after intercourse.  
Salivation from the mouth. 
Weeps easily. 
Pain sudden rise and gradual fall with nausea > vomiting.  
Menses normal lasts 3 days and bleeding scanty with clots.  
Pain in lower abdomen started after fall from stairs. 
Fever with pain in body.  
Burning of palm and sole.  
Appetite – Normal 
Thirst – Normal 
Stool – Clear  
Past Complaints – 
No history of any serious disease 
Family History – 
Father – Arthritis  
Analysis of the case – 
It is clear from the case that the pain in lower abdomen started after a fall from the stairs, so we came to the conclusion that the probable cause of adnexal mass in this case is injury to deeper tissues. As the cause was clear so we decided to start the case from the medicine indicated by the cause that is BELLIS PERENNIS. 
First prescription- 
Bellis perennis 200 was given on 17.9.2003 two doses at 15minutes interval. 
First follow-up – 
Patient came on 25.9.2003 with some improvement so the same medicine was continued. 
Second follow-up – 
Patient came on 28.10.2003 with abdominal pain; symptoms were as described in the case history of the patient. 
1.Pain increases suddenly and decreases gradually (Kent’s Repertory, page1377, Generalities: Pain; appears suddenly-disappears gradually- Pulsatilla grade-2). 
2.Pain frequently changing position (Kent’s Repertory, page1390, Generalities: Pain; Wandering: -PULSATILLA grade-1). 
3.Mense last 3days – bleeding less (Kent’s Repertory, page728, Genitalia – Female, Menses; Scanty: PULSATILLA grade-1). 
4.Mense Clotted (Kent’s Repertory, page725, Genitalia – Female, Menses; Clotted PULSATILLA grade-1). 
5Salivation increased (Kent’s Repertory, page417, Mouth; Salivation: Pulsatilla grade-2). 
6.Weeping tendency (Kent’s Repertory, page92, Mind: Weeping, tearful mood, etc.: PULSATILLA grade-1). 
7.Burning in soles (Kent’s Repertory, page1097, Extremities: Pain, burning, sole: Pulsatilla grade-2). 
Pulsatilla200 was given two doses at 15minutes interval followed by Bellis Perennis 200 after a week. 
Third follow-up – 
Patient came on 15.11.2003 with improvement in pain, so Bellis Perennis 200 was given followed by Pulsatilla 200 after five days and Bellis Perennis 200 was again repeated after another five days. The same process was continued and the second ultrasound was done. 
Second ultra sound – dated- 24.12.2003 – Single live intrauterine pregnancy of 18+1 weeks. No T.O. mass is seen. 
Fourth follow-up – 

Patient came on 25.12.2003 with her normal ultra sound report showing pregnancy. 
Bellis Perennis 1000 was given two doses at 15minutes interval every 15 days for two month to negate the chances of re-occurrence.  









                            The Art Of Treating Chronic Diseases

                           Treating chronic diseases is just like building a castle i.e. placing one brick over another. This is a process and in this process every step has its own significance, but the most important step for a strong castle is its foundation; similar is the case in homoeopathy, case history is the foundation on which “ Cure” stands. To achieve our aim i.e. cure a correct case history is of utmost importance. I will explain my point by giving you an example – Suppose a patient came to us with the following symptoms –

  1. Excessive bleeding during menses.
  2. Aggravated by motion.
  3. Violent irritation of bladder.

Erigeron came out as a drug of choice, but we forget to ask how the complaint started. On enquiring we found out that bleeding started after lifting bucket full of water, now instead of Erigeron, Calcarea carb is the drug of choice. This proves two point’s-

  1. Complete detailed case history of the patient is very important in selecting correct remedy for speedy recovery.
  2. Finding the cause and giving corresponding medicine is necessary for quick relief.

                       Once we have the correct case history of the patient, the second problem that comes in front of us i.e. what to do with the case. In a particular case we have to find the following things –

  1. Epicenter of all the disturbances i.e. cause of the disease.
  2. Uncommon and peculiar symptoms.
  3. Other symptoms with concomitants.
  4. Family history.
  5. Past history.
  6. Side effect of drugs used.
  7. Ill effect of vaccination.

We can achieve the totality of the case by keeping in mind all these important points. Medicine is then prescribed on this totality. Each point is elaborately dealt with later.  

                   Generally treating a chronic disease is not like a hundred meter dash. Treating a chronic disease is just like catching a hen in an open felid that does not run in a straight course. So, is the case with chronic disease; once you give a medicine selected on the totality of the symptoms, it may give you desired result for a certain period of time. After some times the medicine stops giving you the desired result. Now at this point we have three choice’s one is to increase the potency of the medicine, if the patient is presenting the same symptoms or a new medicine has to be given if there is any change in symptoms or we can give an inter-current medicine if required according to the family history or the past history of the patient. At this point of time it is the skill of the physician to select the path, which is best suited for the patient for his/her speedy and gentle cure. The process is continued till our final aim i.e. cure is achieved. 
Once we have selected the correct medicine, then the next problem, which appears before us is “the selection of potency”.  There is great deal of confusion regarding the selection of potency. Some doctors advocate use of high potencies and some of low potencies. We are not commenting any thing on any body, but we will tell you what we are doing regarding selection of potencies for the past three generation. In chronic cases generally (90% of the cases) we start with 200 potency once a week and continue the medicine in the same potency unless and until it stops acting. Once the medicine stops working and the patient is presenting the same symptoms, then we raise the potency to 1000. Generally we repeat 1M after fifteen days and 10M after one month. Here we will like to add one more thing, selection of potency depends upon condition of the patient and may vary from patient to patient. Now, we will tell you the instances where we have repeated the medicine in a different manner. We were treating a cancerous patient in her last days. Patient complained of restlessness and burning with increased thirst for cold water, so we gave her Phosphorus 200. The next day her son told us that the patient is feeling better, so we decided not to repeat the medicine as it is not advisable to repeat 200 potency, that too a metallic medicine before a week. The next day her son told us that the patient’s problem is again aggravated. On enquiring about the symptoms we found out that there was no change in symptoms and she is presenting the same symptoms. So, at this point we have got two options, either to increase the potency of the medicine (give phosphorus 1M) or to repeat the medicine in 200 potency. We decided to do the later. The reason for not giving 1M potency was that the patient was very weak and we fear that giving high potency could be fatal. Giving high potency to a weak patient is just like putting a hundred kilogram weight on the chest of a weak person. Next day her son told her that she slept the whole night and she is feeling better. Phosphorus 200 was repeated daily for about a week after that it was given after two days then after four days and finally after a week. After a month of treatment patient complained of increase in intensity of her complaint, so Phosphorus 200 was repeated daily for two days but to no effect. At this point we decided to give Phosphorus 200. Now we will tell you another case where we have repeated high potency daily. A two years old child by mistake took Kayam Churn (a very strong drug used by person suffering from chronic constipation). We gave Nux Vomica 200 two doses at fifteen minutes interval. The next day his mother came and said that there is no change in condition of the patient. Keeping in mind the strength of Kyam churn and what it does to the peristaltic movement of the intestine we decided to give Nux Vomica 200 four globules in half a cup of water four times a day. The next day her mother informed us that his stool is normal. These are just two instances where we have repeated two hundred potency before a week. Here we will like to add a note of caution “Take ultimate Precaution while giving high potency that often as it is very dangerous and it may cause unnecessary drug aggravation.”   

                  Once we have selected the medicine and its potency, then its time to select the quantity of medicine to be administered to the patient. Generally we can give one globule of zero number to twenty globules of sixty number, it will act as one dose, but it is advisable to give one to two globule of twenty number in one dose as it will prevent unnecessary aggravation of the medicine, especially in hyper sensitive patient. I will explain it to you by giving you a true instance that happened a very long time back. A hyper sensitive patient came to my grand father late Dr. P. N. Shangloo in early seventies. My grand father asked my father Dr. G.K.Shangloo (who was a first year student at that time) to give two globules of zero number as one dose but by mistake the assistant gave ten globules. The very next day patient came running to my grand father stating the all his complaints are aggravated. On enquiring he found out that there was only increased in intensity of his previous symptoms. He consoled the patient “ don’t worry you will get relief very soon”. Once the patient has gone, my grand father said “Start your experience from here, this patient was a hyper sensitive patient and the aggravation you are seeing is because of excess quantity of medicine. So be careful with the quantity of medicine when you are treating a hyper sensitive patient. 
Before we conclude, we will like to say one more thing, treating a chronic case is an art and it is the skill and will of the doctor that guides him to his/her final destination i.e. Cure.  

Homoeopathic approach to the treatment of Uterine Fibroid and Ovarian cyst:

In homoeopathy we believe that vital force is the most important and the governing constituent of the human being. I f the vital force is deranged then only the person is sick. Vital force is intelligent .It is evident that when man’s vital force is encumbered with chronic disease it adopts a plan. The plan is of developing a local malady on external part i.e the least important part solely for the object to there by silence the internal disease , which other wise threatens to destroy the vital organs. The vital force or the force that pervades the cells has its own intelligence. It is only because of its intelligence that the cell and the tissue recognize what it harmful to it, what belongs to internal environment and what does not. What primary steps to be taken like psychological defense response; when to change the physiological defense to morphological defense. What to produce, what to accumulate in excess or what to produce lesser which organ or tissue to destroy. It is because of intelligence it knows which is the least important organ for example skin and above all it is this very intelligence which induces the body to produce pain, sensitivity,or a growth or an ulcer so that it can draw attention of outsiders and to  make it known that all is not well within. 
Miasm have clear mentals. In sycotic minds there is impending fear of being finished or destroyed. There is false projection of exterior not reflecting the interior is a part of shrewd, shy , maneuvering tack ticks .The whole mentality is based on selfish motives and gratification of urges. Thus cowardice ,fragility, fears , hiding cover-up ,projections, façade, thick skinned, hoarding , accumlation of money, treasures, show man ship, cunningness , slyness, shrewdness, maneuvering, political shamelessness ,self centered are some of the rubrics which can describe the sycotic mentality.

Here we also have to understand weather the patient has a sycotic mentality or not. If yes we have to understand weather it is of sycotic excess or less 
In sycosis excess person indulging in over expression and over projection. These were applied to expression, will, intellect, emotions, morals, etc. will give us a sycotic excess trait. Thus sycotic excess has traits like loquacious, dictator, profuseness of thoughts, over expressive and intelligent. Quick perception, theorizing, high achiever, slyness and non-conscientiousness.

Modern religious gurus, politicians fit very well into this description. They indulge in aberration departure from what is true right and correct. 
In sycosis less there is under use of   intellect, under willed, under expressed and under growth of intellect. Thus in such persons adaptability is conspicuously lacking. There is under expression of one self ,talk indisposed to ,secretive , reserved, under expression of will. Sycosis less people compromise easily, they recognize but do not move. They are quiet ,reserved, introverts, desireing obscurity and solitude. And suffer from indigestion. 
Behaviors pattern in sycosis excess is exaggeration, or expression, deceitfulness, slyness, show off or false show pseudoism. 
The significance of determining the dominant miasm helps us to determine the similimum. Even though the symptoms will indicate an appropriate remedy but  for permanent dissolution of fibroid or ovarian cyst a miasmatic remedy is required as a main remedy or as an undercurrent remedy.

     Every individual defends according to his underlying miasm. All the emotions and intellect are defensively oriented and evolved. Thus various traits of an individual will reflect the miasm ruling her at that stage. The reaction to situation will be completely different in different miasms because the defensive method is different. 
Hahnemann states that miasm is the root of all diseases. Mordern pathology also confirms that cell defense response is of three types .Hahnemann description if itch as psora ,fig warts as sycosis  and chancre as syphilis matches with the three basic defense of cell psychological defense, i.e. psora, constructive defense i.e. sycosis and destructive defense i.e. syphilis.

1] Individualistic.  
2] Symptomatic 
3] Rare uncommon Peculiar Symptoms 
4] Reportorial 
5] Causative 




How to take case of the Patient:                                                                                            
Case taking is the most important part in the prescription for the case. The case should be taken by the unprudigist mind. No medicine or a group of medicine should be presumed to be given on just the name of disease.

The body of an individual has the defense mechanism of its own. The defense has a genetic code and the genetic code decides the reactions of an individual to an action. You have to be very cautious while writing the reactions  of that case.

The reactions are of two types:- 
1] Physical reactions.

2] Mental reactions 

Physical Reactions:-

The tolerance and intolerance to various stimuli like sun, wind, rains, damp, cold, heat, noises, colors, touch, emotions, decides how the concerned individual should react in different circumstances. These reactions to the situations i.e general make –up of an individual are basically defense mechanism at work and hence defense oriented. These are influenced by genetic code. 

Mental Reactions:-

These reactions solely depend on the intelligence of the individual .The intellect, will moral, moral, etc. allows the person to react according to the needs and circumstances to form a defense. The innate character of the reactive mechanism, the attitudes, defenses together with susceptibility make up mental aspect of the individual, which in turn is governed by the genetic code of the individual.    
Disease pathologies are due to three defense mechanism at work. Like all the properties of the cell, even the three defense responses to stimuli are genetically governed. Weather the cell should inflame, indurate or ulcerate depends on the genetic code character of the cell. The physical makeup, the mental makeup ,the general make up and the disease susceptibility of an individual depends upon defense .These make ups are arising from the genetic code and are genetically governed.

The whole genetic setup of an individual is designed to ensure that the mind, physique, tolerance, likes, dislikes, as well as susceptibility to diseases aredesigned for prolonged survival of an individual.

Points on which the emphasis should be given while case taking: 
1] Character of pain is most important of they are there. Like weather it comes suddenly, or gradually. How does it subsides or decreases. 
2] Other thing which has to paid heeds to is that how one gets relief in pain. Here along with the physical modalities thermal modalities are most important. According to whein and Tyler. 
3] Character of bleeding and color and texture of blood and clots. 
4] Mental state of the patient. Especially if there is prolonged mental stress they act as obstacles of cure. 
5] Past history of the patient. It helps us to clear the case in many ways. 
6] Family history of the patient Generally of –Tuberculosis, Cancer Arthritis, Asthma, Diabetes. Etc. 
7] Miasmatic Constitution of the patient:-

We should group the patient in dominating miasmatic tendencies. Fibroid and cysts are generally sycotic in nature. Sycotic constitution has an innate and predominant tendency to fight all the invasions weather they are pathogens, toxins or on the mental plane i.e  emotions by constructive defense responses of the cells and the tissue. These people are bound to get easy growths thickenings ,tumors and chronic non-resolving inflammations.

Insidious diseases like diabetes, hypertension, anemia, hyperlipidaemias, ischaemias, are common at the early age. Warts ,moles, keloids throw up externally give us an indication that the patient has entered the sycotic defense stage.

Patients get primary inflammations and go into constructive pathology easily. Wounds and injuries are deceptive, never clean cut  nor do they heal neatly and clearly .They are deep inside and concealed with yellow or green coloured discharges. Deposition of pigments hence blackening of skin or wound is a rule to this miasm.

So, there can be two forms of it:

A] Sycosis excess

B] Sycosis low

Uterine fibroids ,ovaran cysts are due to high sycosis. 

7] Miasms have clear mental:-

We had to search for the dominating miasm in the patient and this can be done by studying the mental aspect of the patients. On your patient you can go into his dominant miasm not only by physical features but also having an idea about his mental symptoms.

In sycotic mental you will find that there is impending fear of being finished or destroyed.

Gestures and words and sensations

     Gestures and words and sensations       are at times key to prescribing for the case. But Before going in its detail in dealing in this aspect of case taking I would like to add a world of caution. In all the cases all the aspects be it misam , gesture, sensation or the symptoms are not important. But it one or the other which is important which is up to the physician to see.

At times when you are taking the case of the patient you feel that she is talking some thing, which is at a sensation level. Or she does some gesture which is repeated and peculiar.


Sensation is experience.

Which is the truth. The experience is constant and that experience is sensation. The truth, which is your experience, is that which you feel in your very bones. That you feel in all situations and dreams. That you feel in your mind and body. That which cannot be put into words or images. It is your inner most sensation.

The experience is constant:

It is always with you. It comes on the surface on time to time. It is that familiar sensation which you know so well. That you had felt so often and so long. That you have carried from the womb to the tomb

The experience is sensation.

*It is griping in the throat that chokes the life out of you which you had felt with fear.

*It is wanting to pounce on the other and tear his flesh apart which you feel when in rage

*It is crumbling feeing you feel deep within when there was a grief.

*It is the shooting up sensation you feel in the pain of your backache.


Sensation can not be adequately described in words.

You will need more than words to describe it.

You will need gestures

You will need images

You will need to move your hands or body

You will need to make a sound


Words and Gestures are something different

The patient may say he feels a particular emotion or sensation. The gesture he uses is variant with what he says. This gesture is often the most important. You need to focus on this gesture and ask the patient to forget its contest. This will take the case deeper.


The gesture is often the key

The gesture is the window to the sensation

It is the secret door into the deeper truth

If we focus on this another world opens up.

The other song which is played within is heard.

Every thing comes to gather to the center.


That other word is not human

It is that stranger which lives within us.

A stranger from another Kingdom

A stranger who has been with us for so long that we think he is a part of us.

A guest who talks like ha owns the place.

I can see a plant, a mineral or an animal living within. We need to hear that song .We need to go to that level of experience ,within us and within the patient.

How do we know we are there?

When we see the energy of what is inside

When we see the gestures

When we hear the non human song

When the world within opens up.

When the experience is manifest , not situation ,not the mind , not the imagination. 

The sensation is experiential:

It is not a thought

It cannot be understood by the mind.

It can only be observed

It can be uncovered.

It cannot be deduced, guessed.

It cannot be numerical, it is experiential.


This process begins earlier from the chief complaint

That which is bothering the person the most in the moment has the sensation most acceptable.

The process has to be relatively easier

If it gets too difficult it is probably leading nowhere or to a wrong place.


If the key is right it must open the door

When to ask

The feeling …you get emotion.

The feeling like ….you get delusion

The experience.. you get sensation

When they describe the experience you will see the energy . 

We need to arrive at the sensation

It has to come to the sensation, to the energy, to the gesture.

Only then will all the discrete parts of the case be seen as one.

This needs to be confirmed from all areas of the case.


Nothing should be left out.

All peculiar symptoms, physical, emotional, situational, behavioral, dreams, etc. all should come to the same sensation when probed deeper.

Only then can you be sure.


Some times the patient says something completely strange

We do not know what to do.

We had never heard this before.

We have no clue where this is going.

Or is it going anywhere.

We are lost.


Just listen and stay with the experience

Do not get anxious.

Just stay with whatever the patient is saying.

It can be a thought, emotion, situation, dream, non-human specific words.

Get to the deepest level the patient would go and ask for the experience.

Then the kingdom will become clear.

The Method: 
In some cases we see that what we consider disease, the totality of signs and symptoms mental and physical, generals, particular ….all of this comes from one basic disturbance. And that disturbance is not in the mind, not in the body, but is some thing deeper than the both. And at that level person talks of language, which is both mental and physical. The body and the mind can then be seen, as experience of that and that language is not even the language of human beings.

It’s a language that is coming from a source that is different from human being. If we start hearing that language, deeper and deeper and if we focus on those words and those gestures, which are not human, there fore they are very peculiar, what we call as peculiar in homoeopathy, very strange. Then we start hearing a different language other than the human language.

That which is non-human, in a human that is disease. Disease is a song of something else, which is playing within us. The song is perfect but it is in a wrong place. Therefore there are two songs within us, the human song which is there which should be there and there is some other song playing. That song should not be there.

And if we focus on that language, we can hear the source itself. And then it becomes clear weather he is talking mineral language, plant language or animal language. And then further the differentiation is there. Weather it is animal, snake or a anacardiaceae or whatever.

Most things we see are at delusion level.

Humor, movies, art, most of them is at human specific level  are at delusion level.

In Homoeopathy we had to see the opposite, the animal, plant or the mineral represented in the human being.

The remedy is at the sensational level.

What is non human in a man is disease.

The sensational level directly relates to the source.

At the core of every individual is complete non-sense, which is their inner truth and this is disease.

How to ask for the sensation from the patient.

Say a little more…….

Empty of prejudice.

In Aphorism 83 This individualizing examination of the disease case, for which I am giving only general instructions here, demands nothing of the practitioner except freedom from bias and healthy senses,attention while observing ,and fidelity in recoerding….”

Also empty of effort.

Allow the patient open space to describe all the symptoms troubling them ,and then ask which troubles them the most…..the patient identifies the chief complaint not the homoeopath.

Then connect the energy of the---- patient hand gestures and important words. Stay connected .You know when you and your patent loose track of energy ----when it happens go back to the last point in the case that has energy.


Look Listen and Ask

Note the words and gestures that express the inner energy {underlying theme or melody that is singing} and at the right moment ask the patient ,not your self what these words and gestures mean.

Remember the two chief requirements of a Homoeopath ---- to be empty of bias and therefore open to the moment and empty of desire /directive ness and therefore free to flow the patients direction.

End game

Help the patient lead you to the source. Once the energy is there chief complaint is clear, do not allow them to back track into superficial situations where you and the patient can get lost in the story.

Instead stay with the energy and simply ask them to go deeper. What was your inner experience in that stressful situation……….what did you feel like……….what were your physical sensations in that particular  moment? The patient goes deeper and leads you to the remedy, the source.

Do not allow the patient to backtrack

Once you have confirmed the sensation in several areas and it comes to the same we need to move forward into further description of the sensation and the energy.

At this point it is important not let the patient go back to feelings or situation or delusion but to go forward with the sensation and the energy.

This may require us to say ,I do not want to know when you felt it or where you felt it or how it felt like.

I do not want to know about you, but I want to know about the sensation itself. Example if a person talks about feeling pressure, he should not be allowed to describe a situation or an image of pressure. He should talk only about pressure itself. Just tell about pressure not about you.

At this point there will be a hand gesture. And we see that gesture we have to focus on that gesture and forget about pressure.

Just tell about this gesture .”Not what it means to you, not what you think about it”

Just the gesture .We may need to tell him to repeat the gesture and to focus on it.


Pattern match and Prescribe:

Identify the kingdom, sub kingdom and source , matching “That which is to be cured in the patient.” With That which is curative in the remedy”…..according  to clearly realizable principles.


Theorizing should be avoided

The processes consist of going  deep into any phenomenon and then comparing the deepest possible experience of the patient to the experience of the various remedies we know.


Exploring and Comparing

Not guessing, imagining, fitting etc.

The exact energy and sensation must be in the remedy we prescribe.

For this we need to explore the case to the deepest level possible.

And find the same expression in the remedy.


A common Mistake:

When the patient mentions the name of the source like snake or diamond, our mind tends to jumps to that as the remedy and then we try to fit in the rest.

This has to be strictly avoided

When the patient mentions the name of the source we need to ask her to talk about the source. And to note all the non human specific words and gestures that he makes while talking about the source.

The gestures and non human specific words will often point to something completely different than the name of the source mentioned.

This is because the name of the source is at the delusion level.

For example patient mentions snakes and says that how the snake is able to shed the skin and emerge much lighter. On asking further she says it is like casting off your body and feeling light ,like you can fly.

She needs a bird remedy.

For a patient who has very strong aversion to lizards when asked about the lizards she said that she is afraid it would fall on her head and it would be sticky, and if it sticks she would die. her remedy had nothing to do with lizards. Infact it is Drosera. She is only talking of one perceived aspect of lizards. If it sticks I will die.

Patient may express strong attraction or repulsion to certain sources, but when asked further they focus on the one perceived aspect of the source and not the whole of it.

The energy of the patient has to match the energy of the source.

The sensation and the qualities of the patient at non-human specific level have to match the source. Only then can we be sure. Not by the patient merely naming the source.

Everything of the sensation and the energy of the patient must belong to one source.


Tell me more

The questions should be as non leading as possible.

So that the emphasis and the direction are the patients not yours.

Only then the pure picture will emerge.

Example- patient says that she feels like she is in a glass chamber.

We should not ask

How do you feel in the glass chamber?

How do you get in there?

Why do you not get out?

Is it pleasant or unpleasant to be there?

In which situation do you feel this?


Simply Say:

Tell me about this.

Let the patient decide where he or she wants to go or emphasize.


What to avoid asking:

For example when a patient says he has a feeling as he has lost his way

What does losing my way mean?

Give mean an example of losing the way?

In what situation does some one loose the way?


A parallel world:

A parallel world exists in each one of us and that runs together with our conscious world.

The entry into this world is by the secret door in the conscious world.

These doors are the energy and the non human specific words.

When a word or a gesture is significant: 




Energy ,Speed , direction, force, sound ,gestures


Non Human Specific words

Common between man and nature –indicate kingdom or miasm .

That which s global not local.

The persons sensitivity{attraction or repulsion} to non human things.



Persistent, hold, does not move on some one else on questioning


Picturised :

Visualization ,imagination, in picture



Complete out of context or strange.



In different situations .In different levels. In different context.


Similar meaning words.

Words of same group.

Words/gestures of exactly the opposite meaning.

Difference between the Kingdoms:


Completeness or incompleteness in self, or a fear of losing that completeness.



What affects self, what circumstance, action etc affects. What is the effect (sensation)



Who effects, who wins, who survives. 

The Mineral remedy   is about a constant feeling of lacking/ having/losing ability or capacity

A Plant Remedy is about one specific sensation and its opposite, which is constant and is found in all spheres.

An animal remedy is a process that has multiple sensation and gesture but constant is the fight for survival.

Nosodes is a mode of defense against a particular infection becomes generalized.

Sarcode is a normal healthy function of one part specially hormones becomes the main issue of the entire organism. Either lack or exaggeration of the function.

Imponderables beyond matter, space, time, form, limitless, pervades, penetrates.


A women says her husband is a problem for her, that is the main problem.

For minerals, the problem is not with him, but it’s me. I have to take what he dose to me. If only I was independent, if only I was complete, then there would be no problem. It is my insecurity that leads to the problem.

Minerals also have the theme of development, how developed they are or underdeveloped they are. The periodic table is also about development from hydrogen to disintegration, from conception to death. This replicates human development. Mineral remedies feel stuck in a particular stage.

A plant remedy person in that circumstance says it’s not her husband that is the problem, but what he dose to me. She cannot bear it and she cannot take the screaming. She loves him but cannot take the screaming. It pokes and pricks her. That sensation she describes is the ruling sensation in her whole life.

In an animal case it’s about domination. He dominates me, he controls me, the other person is the problem.

Parameters of Layers of a case:

Constitution Miasm Fundamental Pathologies
Temperament Psora personality trauma
Body type Sycosis mind toxic
Genitic Syhilis emotions  
  Cancer generals tissue
  tuberculosis particulars organ
  Vaccinations Life style causation
  Plague etiology infection
  Malaria state disease

Here I would like to clarify that I am not contradicting the three miasm theory of Dr. Smuel Hahanemann . But I had put cancer , tuberculosis, vaccinations, plague, malaria, typhoid, under miasm because they also have a long lasting effect and a the intercurrent medicine has to be given accordingly if required in the case. 

Case Analysis:

Case analysis is not symptom  analysis. No symptom in any case stands alone. Symptoms flow from a source.  Suppose for example a person has pain in leg and due to that he is very depressed and there is loss of sleep. So, In this case the medicine will be given for the pain in leg not for insomnia because the pain in leg is the source or the cause. But in case of other patient who is suffering from gastric complaints and is very irritable and due to increased suppressed anger he gets a gastric ulcer. The medicine will be prescribed for gastric ulcer.  

Different levels of case analysis:

There are seven  different levels of case analysis :

1] Psychology – It includes Mentals , emotional, cultural and social state of the patient.

2]  Vitality – Vital leaks, blockage of vital energy, susceptibilities, weakness.

3]   Causation – Images , time line, stories, medical history

4] Clinical

5] Different layers of case :In any chronic case

a] Constitutional

b] Miasmatic

c] Fundamental

d] Pathological 
6] Symptoms –The symptoms help us to confirm the remedy. 
7] Perceiving  the case. 

Perceiving the case : 

A] In Homeopathy we must perceive what has to be cured in the case. In every case there is a cause due to which there is a change in state of health, which produces symptoms. 
B]  In every case you ask your self what is most important in case?

Suppose there is a dam and due to the leakage the water is flowing from it you can not repair the leakage just be seeing the flow of water. You have to find out the leakage point in the dam.

Suppose a lady has a menopause after child birth and she is never well since the,. She is producing all kinds of symptoms like irritating. Flushes of heat, depression. Loss of sleep, the remedy that we would like to select will be post partal antidepressant remedy. I.e a remedy, which in repertorisatin should cover basic rubrics ailments caused from suppressed menses or menopause.

C] Symptom Analysis;

Common mistake of analyzing the symptoms separately, by predetermined hierarchies, or analyzing symptoms numerically is not the correct method.

Symptom analysis is not case analysis

The remedy, which covers all the cause then few changes in the change in state of health only few symptoms, is the perfect selected remedy.

On the contrary the remedy, which covers all the symptoms but does not covers the cause and the change in state of health will do no good.

The importance of the symptom should be determined by analyzing its place in a particular case.


Understand the structure of the individual case:

By understanding the structure of the case helps us what to repertorise. 

d] Chief complaints;- At times suppose the women is suffering from intense pain the medicine had to be given on the chief complaint first.

E] Cause and Etiology:

We always say in homoeopathy we treat the cause but not he symptoms. But hw to find the cause.

The cause can be found in different cases in any of the following heads.

1] Mental or emotional stress or shock

2] Infection from some diseases. Like never will since typhoid, pneumonia, jaundice, suppressed skin affections.

3]  Physical trauma- injury after, profuse bleeding after.

4] Toxic exposures – Suppose a lady painted her house 2 days back lead to pain in abdomen and the symptoms totally resembled colocynth. But it gave no relief. We all know that pain contains high amount of lead . Plumbum met cured the case.

5] Vitality factors- Suppose a lady with fibroid and ovarian cyst has a husband  the husband is suffering for terminal stage of cancer. The wife serves the husband day and night. This cause loss of her vitality due to loss of sleep and over strain. 

IF a women after profuse bleeding the remedy is for the blood.

6] Excess or deficiency of any thing

7] Miasmatic factor

8] Diet and nutritional factors

9] Life style

10] Medical intervention

11] Hygiene factors


F] Sorting out layers in a case.—Draw the time lines which thing happened first  It is governed by the Hering’s law of cure. 


G] What are the vital layers?

Like the tree has annual rings .Some are thin , some are thick depicting the weather and environmental factors of that year. So is the case with the disease also.

In the human body there are four different types of layers:

1] constitutional

2] Miasmatic

3] Fundamental

4] Pathological

Each layer has susceptibility and each layer has symptoms. 

Clinical or pathological layer
Fundamental Layer
Miasmatic Layer


How to select a Remedy: 
1] by assessing which symptom to be given importance when 
In homeopathy, much emphasis is given on mind. So, some doctors who try to collect tiniest o f the tiny mental symptoms. For them Dr.Kent had given a warning – Just because the homeopathic physician knows that mental symptoms are most important he should not hunt for it in the hay sack for a tiny mental to open up his case. All the symptoms should have same importance as assigned to them as symptoms. 
2] Elimination of useless symptoms 
Many a times it happens that the remedy that we select after complete repertorisation or after assessing the rare uncommon peculiar symptoms does not match all the symptoms recorded in a particular case. 
Here also one should keep in mind Dr.Kent’s saying – 
Do not expect the remedy that has the generals should have all the little symptoms. If the remedy has the generals it is sufficient to prescribe for a case. 
Kent says nothing disturbs me much as the long letters I get from the doctors showing me how they had wasted time on useless particulars. Common particulars are generally worthless. 
3] Elimination of Medicines after Repertorisation- 
On the basis of thermal modalities 
The British school of Homeopathy headed by Tyler and Sir John Weir advocated to first taking most characteristic symptoms carefully followed by separating medicines in hot and chilly type. 
In chilly patients medicines<warmth are eliminated 
In hot patients medicines < cold are eliminated. 
Hence resulting in the similimum.

4] Selecting Remedy without repertorisation on the basis rare uncommon peculiar symptom 
This is one of the many modes of prescribing for a particular case. In this Allen’s Keynotes are of great help. Here two or three rare uncommon peculiar symptoms are sufficient are enough to prescribe for a case. Here patient should verify the rare uncommon and peculiar symptom again and again before prescribing on it. 
5] Selecting intercurrent remedy on the basis of past history of patient 
At times it happens that a well-selected remedy after complete repertorisation fails to provide complete cure to the patient. When the patient is also adhering to the diet and regime advised by us. This is because there are few obstacles in cure. Many learned physicians had described these obstacles. In case of fibroid and ovarian cyst it is found that past history, family history and causative factors acts as obstacles of cure

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