Modern Homoeopathy

Monthly Newsletter November 2007


Interview of Dr. D.P. Rastogi


Interviewed by Dr. Pawan S. Chandak


Dr. D. P. Rastogi


Dr. D.P. Rastogi has been teaching Repertory and Materia Medica to Undergraduate and PG classes since 1975. He has been Principal of Nehru Homoeopathic Medical College, New Delhi, Delhi University (1975-1984) and Director CCRH (1984-1999).

He has been appointed Professor Emeritus at Homoeopathic Medical College Beed, Marathwada University Aurangabad. He has been teaching repertory in various post graduate colleges in the country and acting as Guide and Examiner in several universities.

He also established Boenninghausen Academy for Classical Homoeopathy in Gurgaon to promote teaching of Boenninghausen Repertories.

He has authored Golden Tips by Masters besides publishing case reports and use of Indigenous Drugs as Common Remedies - all published by B. Jain Publishers.

Recenty, Dr. Rastogi has been given the Life Time Achievement Award by the Homoeopathic Medical Association of India.

Interview of Dr. D. P. Rastogi

Question : Nowadays many homoeopaths to get speedier results in practice in point of patients & money,  are seen using patents, combinations, biochemics and mother tinctures at a time. Is there any chance of suppression due to such an approach & what's your modern view towards concept of suppression as told by Dr. Hahnemann.

Dr. D.P. Rastogi: Hahnemann’s clear views are stated in Aphorism 273 where he has ruled that a single remedy is to be used in a case.

However this also needs to be understood that combinations are recognized within the tenets of homeopathy in the Homeopathic Pharmacopoeia of the United States and the Homeopathic Pharmacopoeia of India. Therefore judicious use of the combinations should not be treated as unhomeopathic.

Bio-chemic medicine is included in the definition of homeopathy as adopted in the Homeopathy Central Council Act 1973. Thus its use is permitted.

Use of biochemic remedies and combination remedies in judicious manner should not result in suppression.

Question : What's your view towards Necessity for reproving of homoeopathic medicines which were proved during Hahnemannian time ? Is it really necessary and if yes does it can bring any change in our Materia Medica with new discoveries?

Dr. D.P. Rastogi: Many of the remedies have been reproved and although they did bring out some additional symptoms yet the symptoms of earlier provings were confirmed. Therefore the earlier proving are quite reliable and there is no need to reprove them except for research purpose. Proving of newer remedies is welcome to enrich our Materia Medica.

Question : Is there any necessity for upgradation of 6th edition of Organon of Medicine ?

Dr. D.P. Rastogi: There is no need.

Question : Views regarding importance of diagnosis in Homoeopathy. Is it a must ?

Dr. D.P. Rastogi: A homeopathic physician has to make 2 diagnosis one of the disease and the second of the patient which is essential for making a prescription. Both are necessary.

Question :Views about additions to Kent's Repertory

D.P. Rastogi: Various additions have been made by different authorities and they have made Kent’s repertory more and more useful. However if one uses the original Kent’s repertory alone it is still pure gold.

Question : Views regarding using repertories like Synthesis or Complete Repertory. Is it scientific like the repertories authored by Dr. Kent or Dr. Boennnighausen ?

D.P. Rastogi: Boennighausen and Kent repertories look at the patient from different way. But both are sound repertories and useful in individual cases. Boenninghausen repertory shines in cases with no mental symptoms, cases where strange, rare peculiar, characteristic symptoms are absent but the modalities and concomitant symptoms are marked.

Synthesis and complete repertories have taken Kent’s repertory as the base and have added rubrics from various sources including Boenninghausen. Thus these are rich repertories and very useful tool as they contain more remedies.

Question : Distribution of preventive medicine in various epidemics like Chikungunia, Viral fever, Conjunctivitis. Do you agree with Genus Epidemicus concept of Dr. Hahnemann and  if not why ?

Dr. D. P. Rastogi: Preventive remedy and its distribution as a genus epidemicus is on a very sound principle and should be encouraged.

Question : Which Repertory is better to use in day to day practice ?

D. P. Rastogi: Any repertory with which you are familiar is good to use. One can make a start with Kent and Boenninghausen and make it a habit to use them.

Question : Do you use LM Potency? Any disadvantage you have noted ?

D. P. Rastogi: I use LM potency with utmost advantages and I have better results.

Question :Please tell me your concept or approach towards Modern Homoeopathy.

Dr. D. P. Rastogi: The term Modern homeopathy is a misnomer. I like to practice homeopathy in consonance with the teachings of  Hahnemann, Boenninghausen, Kent and Boger.


Interviewed By Dr. Pawan S. Chandak (Chief Editor of 'Modern Homoeopathy' Monthly Newsletter)