Modern Homoeopathy

Monthly E-Newsletter March 2008



Dr. Poonam Godbole B.H.M.S.


As the summer is approaching near, we need to take care of our health more cautiously. The heat due to summer can lead to various problems leading to severe headaches, sunburns, diarrhea, and many other complaints. Homoeopathic remedies help miraculously in the summer ailments. If along with medications we take care of some precautions in our daily routine we can fight this heat phase to the best.

Some of the common ailments during summer are listed below:

Headaches: Excessive heat acts as a trigger for these headaches. Due to inflammation and dilation of the blood vessels, the pressure in the cranium increases leading to severe headaches. These headaches vary from a dull ache to severe constant nagging pain. If such headaches are neglected and left untreated they can lead to further complications.

Epistaxis: This is a very common problem during summer due to the high heat. Most commonly the nosebleeds are common in children as they are the ones who are most of the time exposed to the sun while playing around.

Summer Diarrhea: One more most common ailment found in children and youngsters during summer. Due to the constant need to quench the thirst individuals often opt for cold water, cold drinks, milk shakes which may lead to summer diarrhea as they are exposed to various microorganisms through these things. Most of the times the swimming pools where children go for swimming in the heat season is contaminated by viruses and bacteria which may lead to summer diarrhea.

Sunburns: Skin may face burns due to excessive heat in the summer season. The depth of these burns can vary depending on the amount of heat an individual is exposed to. Skin burns should be avoided at their best as they can further lead to melanoma in future.

Homoeopathic remedies which are of help in the summer ailments are:

Headaches: Belladonna, Ferrum phos, Natrum mur. These remedies can be taken 3-4 times a day depending on the severity of the symptoms.

Epistaxis: Phosphorus is the remedy for nosebleeds due to summer. This remedy creates wonders in cases of epistaxis resulting from excessive heat and when low doses are repeated 3-4 times a day.

Summer diarreha: Croton tig is the best remedy for summer diarrhea. The other remedies include Arsenic, Podophyllum, and Veratrum album.

Sunburns: Depending on the depth of burns, Apis, Cantharis, Hypericum, Urtica urens can be used for the treatment. Along with the oral intake, local applications of these remedies can also help a lot. The tinctures of the best suited remedy mixed with water can be applied tepidly to the affected areas to get the desired effects.


1. Avoid over exposure to sun, limit your time outdoors.

2. Use sunscreen lotions whenever you go outside.

3. Drink plenty of water. Citrus juices, watermelon juice and other fruit juices can be helpful to hydrate your body.

4. Take a cool bath at least twice a day.

5. Include buttermilk and cucumber more frequently in your food.

© Dr. Poonam Godbole B.H.M.S.