Modern Homoeopathy

Monthly E-Newsletter September 2007


 by Dr. Joby Johny (Trivendrum)

Public health is an area where Homoeopathy has proved its efficacy even from the time of its inception. Dr. Samuel Hahnemann was a pioneer in the field of community medicine. Prophylactic therapeutics especially during the time of epidemics gave great mileage to Homoeopathy from the very beginning. Homoeopathy footed in many countries due to the miraculous work done by our medicine in containing the epidemics and treating the cases during epidemics.

In our country also Homoeopathy became popular due to the same reason. In Kerala Homoeopathy is getting more public and government support than any other State in India and here epidemics are a frequent story and Homoeopathy is often depended by the public and the government during the days of crisis. The need for a protocol that should be followed in the case taking, totality formation, genus epidemicus selection, medicine distribution and feed back studies is intensely felt during every epidemic. In these years when every public health activities have been critically analyzed by every one especially the government, the need for following a scientific protocol is a well-appreciated thing.

After the Dengue fever epidemic in Kerala, Homoeopathy received great praise from every corner, for the work done in preventing the Dengue Hemorrhagic fever that has been predicted. But there were also many criticisms from the other schools of medicine due to lack of a scientific protocol in case studies and proper feed back studies.

RAECH – Rapid Action Epidemic Control Cell Homoeopathy, is a platform created by the Department of Homoeopathy, Govt. of Kerala in 2004 for combating the epidemic menace. The constitution of RAECH is so democratic that every homoeopath whether he/she is a Medical Officer, Homoeopathic Medical College Teacher or a private practitioner can associate in the working of RAECH.

The formation of RAECH materialized a long cherished dream and a constant demand of Indian Homoeopathic Medical Association (IHMA) to the authorities for an epidemic control cell. IHMA associate in RAECH very seriously and has decided to work as a corrective force. IHMA has played a major role in the protocol formation of RAECH by giving ideas through the State Level Expert Group Member (SLEG), District Level Expert Group Members (DLEG) and the Trained Reserve Group (TRG) members. IHMA is now working for separate post creation in Govt. sector for the smooth functioning of RAECH. IHMA demand for the appointment of Medical Officers under RAECH in every district.

As a national organization committed for the development of Homoeopathy, IHMA request all State governments in India to start epidemic control cells and exploit the potentials of homoeopathic medical system in the field of Community medicine.

 Role of IHMA in RAECH

            The frequent pressure by IHMA to the authorities for an epidemic control cell resulted in the formation of RAECH. IHMA is proud to say that the forerunner of RAECH was the report submitted by the IHMA members to Government after the Dengue fever epidemic in 2003, which included the feed back study showing the efficacy of the preventive medicine given for Dengue fever. The visionary suggestions made by IHMA members during the workshop conducted at Ernakulam in 2005, the suggestions of SLEG and DLEG member of IHMA has become the backbone of RAECH. In the preparation of the Handbook of RAECH, IHMA played a crucial role through its SLEG member, the corrective measures then adopted are much appreciated among the well wishers of Homoeopathy. IHMA members actively participated in the training programmes of RAECH conducted recently and had put forwarded many creative suggestions.

            IHMA requests every homoeopath to work in preventive medicine programmes strictly based on the protocols set forth by RAECH and to put an end to the chaos now existing during epidemic control programmes.

Dr. Joby J.

Member, State Level Expert Group (SLEG),

IHMA Representative,

Rapid Action Epidemic Control Cell (RAECH),

Dept. of Homoeopathy
