MENOPAUSE – The Change of Life


Dr. Varsha Sharma (Mumbai)

Cessation of menstruation at the end of the reproductive life is termed as menopause. In other words we can say that it is the period when the ability to bear children and menstruation stops. This transition may not always be easy and may leads to many physical and emotional problems. Not all women experience menopause in the same way. For some, menopause can bring on an array of uncomfortable symptoms. It is a time when a woman needs great understanding. With cessation of menstruation the breasts and sexual organs diminishes in size and mentally the women becomes depressed with low self esteem.

Menopause and Emotional Symptoms:

Hormonal changes taking place during menopause, particularly the levels of estrogen, cause emotional symptoms. The unrelenting hot flashes, night sweats, sleep issues and fatigue continuously nag one into a depressive state. Declining estrogen levels associated with menopause can cause more than the hot flashes; it can also make a woman experience:

Menopause and HRT:

The conventional view of the menopause is that it is a disease that needs to be treated by replacing the ‘lost’ hormones, using Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) in the form of pills, patches or creams. But HRT is not a safe method of treatment. It has various side effects.

HRT may increase the chances of:

HRT is not advisable for women who . . .

HRT can also cause these side effects:

Menopause and Osteoporosis:

There is a direct relationship between the lack of estrogen after menopause and the development of osteoporosis. Osteoporosis is progressive loss and weakening of the bones. Bone mass losses on an average 1-2 per cent/year after menopause and results in easy fractures and other symptoms related with osteoporosis such as backache, pain in bones, etc. Early menopause (before age 45) and any prolonged periods in which hormone levels are low and menstrual periods are absent or infrequent can cause loss of bone mass.

Menopause and health problems:

Unfortunately, the loss of estrogen after menopause has been linked to a number of health problems that become more common as women age. Many of these health problems do not produce symptoms. After menopause, women are more likely to suffer from:


Menopause and Homoeopathy:

Homoeopathy is the only solution to arrest all the symptoms and health problems related to menopause. Homoeopathic treatment has helped millions of women through the change of life, without the dangerous side-effects of the cruder conventional drugs. Homeopathy is the safest treatment before, during, and after menopause because it stimulates the natural hormonal balance without the use of harmful drugs. Homoeopathy is definitely the alternative to HRT.


It is the most effective mode in the treatment of hot flushes, mood-swings, menopausal headaches and a host of other troublesome symptoms related to menopause. Evidences and studies have shown the benefit of homeopathy in this condition. Hormonal imbalances respond very well to Homoeopathic treatment.


Homoeopaths treat the menopausal symptoms by constitutional treatment. This is the process by which a homoeopathic physician selects and administers a woman's own constitutional remedy based on the totality of her symptoms and her physical, mental and emotional state. In order to prescribe a medicine for actual menopausal symptoms, homoeopaths consider the complete symptomotology of the patient, her individual constitution, overall health, medical history, past drug use, mental, physical and emotional state.


Homoeopathic treatment has long lasting effects. Homoeopathic medicines boost the constitution by strengthening the body's vital defenses and by restoring a healthy balance and sense of well-being. Most of the major homoeopathic remedies may be used for the symptoms of menopause. Constitutional homeopathic treatment is best during the transitional period of menopause in order to balance hormonal levels and cure the many accompanying symptoms. 


Homoeopaths do not assume from the beginning that a woman who is going through the change of life necessarily is in need of a medicine. The remedies do not suppress symptoms, but act as a stimulus to the person's vital force to balance an existing disorder. The choice of remedy is highly individual and requires expert help.


Below mentioned are the indications of few Homoeopathic medicines which aid in the treatment of menopause.


Folliculinum is made from ovarian follicle, which is folliculin. Folliculinum can be alternated daily with any other appropriate remedy. 

Folliculinum indicated during menopause for: 

·         Hot flashes: night sweats, feels hot and bothered, and facial flushing.

·         Vaginal dryness. Yellow or brownish vaginal discharge.

·         Menstrual cycle irregularities: either too short, too long, or none at all; flooding; pre-menstrual syndrome.

·         Fibroids.

·         Cystitis that recurs premenstrually, or chronic cystitis in menopause, chronic E. coli infections.

·         Candida, yeast infections.

·         Hair loss.

·         Cardio-vascular problems: angina, palpitations, tachycardia, and other heart irregularities.

·         Dizziness, air hunger, and faintness. Headaches and migraines.

·         Weight gain without over eating, both obesity and water retention; and can gain up to seven pounds before periods.

·         Abdominal swelling and heaviness; bloating; stomach rumblings. Chronic constipation, sometimes alternating with diarrhea. Heavy feeling in rectum. Swollen liver.

·         Cravings for sugar and wheat.

·         Allergies of all sorts, hay-fever, allergic reactions.

·         Skin rashes; itching; dry and chapping eczema; easy bruising.

Feels drained emotionally or psychologically; over estimates her energy reserves. Is full of self-denial. There can be panic attacks. Hyperactive worse for resting. 

Modalities - Better: during menses except specific menstrual symptoms, after the 3rd day of menses, movement, fresh air, hard pressure. 
                    Worse: before menses, from and during ovulation until to menses, heat, warmth, noise, touch, resting, motion. 

Hot flashes in the evening. Anxiety, panic attacks and over-excitable during menopause.  Faintness during peri-menopausal period, and fast pulse. Insomnia. 

during menopause throbbing headaches with burning sensation in head and ears, with surging of blood to head and face, face is fiery red, migraine worse left side. Congestion of female organs. Hysterical tendencies with great anxiety as if something bad might happen. Cannot sit still, and constant stretching of limbs. Hot flashes that comes on very suddenly and unexpectedly, with congestion to the head, heat of especially the face followed by profuse sweating, with anxiety and palpitations. Profuse perspiration of female genitals during menopause. 

Heat flushing during peri-menopause. Flooding; hemorrhage of non-menstrual bleeding (metrorrhagia) during menopause; involuntary urination. Depression during menopause with feelings of being neglected or forsaken, abandoned, and isolated. They feel enveloped in a dark cloud. Excitable during peri-menopausal period. They will avoid ordeals of any kind. 
Mild heat flushes during peri-menopause. Depression before during and after menopause. They feel surrounded by a darkness, in a black cloud. Feel hopeless, despairing and doomed, and there is a sense of utter worthlessness, which is followed by self-destructive attitudes. 

Hot flashes especially in the afternoon, sweaty face and the face is red and burning; with profuse perspiration of female genital. During menopause vaginal dryness; non menstrual bleeding; headaches with pain in temples, left-sided migraines; tinnitus; yeast infections; ovarian cysts; involuntary urination; boils; fast pulse; palpitations; intolerance of pressure and touch; weakness; insomnia; weight gain with fluid retention; arthritis; osteoporosis.Excited mental states with intensity of symptoms and the desire to escape. Lively, with a sensitive, nervous disposition. Changeable moods, over-excitable, anxious, restless, agitated, confusion, poor memory, fearful. 

Hot flashes as if warm water was poured over the body. Symptoms during menopause and post menopause: fast pulse; vaginal dryness, atrophic vaginitis, thinning of vaginal walls; faintness in a warm room; headaches before periods, right-sided migraine; constipation with hard, burnt looking stools; easy bruising; swollen finger joints; arthritis, rheumatic knee pains; dry cough or sore throat; difficulty breathing; insomnia; fluid retention; ovarian cysts. Mental confusion, morose, complaining, and easily prone to anger over small matters. Anxiety with insecurity about the future and poverty. They have a great desire for stillness. 

Hot flashes moving upwards with hot sweats and perspiration on face and hands, worse before periods and alternating with anxiety, palpitations, and chills. During menopause they feel fatigue and chilliness without cause.  Flooding; menstrual periods and non-menstrual bleeding (metrorrhagia) during and after menopause; congestion of female organs; cramps in limbs during the night; dry skin; backaches especially in damp weather; arthritic lumps; swelling of finger joints; osteoporosis; weight gain; yeast infections; cervical erosion; varicose veins. They are generally weary and worse during menopause. Indicated for those women who undergo osteoporosis. It helps in decreasing the loss of calcium from bones and also increasing its absorption from the food that we eat. Anxious and distressed feelings are brought on easily from their very own thoughts and from thinking about "it." If ill or anxious, they become spineless and are sure they going to die. Their have feelings of inadequacy. Anxiety in pit of stomach, fearful with claustrophobia and agoraphobia. Easily alarmed and distressed by physical disfigurement, they cannot bear to be observed. They suffer from poor memory, confusion, irritability, and weepiness.

Hot flashes in the evening at 10:30 p.m.  During menopause external numbness and feeling as if whole body is numb; pain under left breast; uterine pain; jerking movements; insomnia. Depression with sensation of gloomy cloud enveloping her. 

There is obesity and/or real noted weight gain during menopause. Hot flushes especially in the face; with red and flushed face; heat flushing ascends upwards to and of the face; sweating on front of body from slightest exertion, sweats with offensive odor. 


Indecisive, fickle and cautious, any problems make them vacillate and hesitate. Anxious, moody and full of fearful forebodings especially about the future, and they fear the loss of loved ones. Depression, weepiness, over-excitable, irritability and difficulty concentrating. 

Hot flashes with sensation as if about to perspire but no moisture; perspiration in single parts, especially during forenoon, and ameliorated while eating. Anxiety during flushes of heat during menopause. Depression and grief, with hysterical tendencies, nervousness, and irritability during menopause. They are on an emotional roller-coaster and there is emotional intensity and can enjoy being sad. They suffer many internal conflict with themselves. 

Sudden heat flushes and clammy sweats during the day; with heat and burning pain in the vertex (top) of head, heat flushes in face and redness of face; flushing from emotions, from mental exertion, after eating; heat flushes may be with or without perspiration, and sweats may come on with and from mental exertion; hot flashes and sweats at night; perspiration is clammy and may be better after eating; profuse perspiration of female genitals during menopause. Menopause causes many aggravations and one does not feel well during and after. Depression and irritability comes on before, during and after menopause, and there are strong tendencies to unwarranted suspicion, envy, jealousy, insecurity and resentment. They can be excitable, forgetful, hysterical, and behave like a crazy person. They can suffer insanity and anger with anxiety during menopause. Mental over-excitement, overly talkative changing from one subject to another. Anxiety in the morning and on waking. They are compelled to hurry in every thing they do. There may be poor memory and confusion. 
Menopausal dryness and vaginal thinning; intense vaginal pain. Flooding is excessive and heavy.  Emotionally delicate and dwells about the past and is resentful. There is great fear of loss, of losing a lover, loss of a loved one, a parent or their child. Dread of abandonment, betrayal, and the loss the self. Fear of and sensitive to rejection and being hurt emotionally. They can feel ignored, deserted, forsaken and abandoned. Solitary and tearful depression as a result of suppressing sadness and an unconscious fear of emotional pain. Unresolved grief from the past and their childhood. 
Hot flashes of especially the face, and the rest of the body feels chilly when not flushing; hot sweats worse at night and from heat, but is not thirsty; is almost always weepy. Other symptoms during menopause: vaginal yeast infections; cervical erosion; asthma starting during menopause; uterine pains and non-menstrual bleeding; involuntary urination; varicose veins; nose bleeds; left-sided migraines and headaches with pain in temples; tinnitus; palpitations; insomnia; skin bruises easily; rheumatic pains in extremities, especially hip pains; weight gain; fluid retention; desires sweets; osteoporosis; post menopausal ailments and hormonal disturbances (estrogen). Female problems and hormonal imbalances of menopause, miscarriage, and infertility. Given constitutionally it regulates high estrogen metabolism with progesterone imbalance. 

Highly emotional and feminine people who fear being neglected, feel easily slighted and craves sympathy. Though generally mild mannered, their personalities can bend "which ever way the wind blows," changeable, blowing hot and cold. Constant and lifelong fears of anything or everything, with fixed ideas about religion, sex and food. They are weighed down by their anxiety and feel cautious, discouraged and suicidal. Depression with feelings of abandonment, neglect and dependency on others. Anxiety is felt in the stomach. Depression and weepiness. Mental imbalance, changeable moods, over-excitable; claustrophobia; anxiety in pit of stomach during peri-menopausal period. 
Hot flashes that move upward with profuse perspiration, and weakness after a flush; especially during the day in the afternoon, in the evening and at night, and worse for slightest exertion mental or physical; anxiety during hot flashes; hot sweats worse at night; offensive smelling sweats; profuse perspiration of female genitals during menopause. 


Symptoms during menopause: anxiety; palpitations; sinking sensation in the stomach; weight gain; increased or lack of appetite; difficult breathing; hair loss; migraines, left-sided headaches, burning at top of head; nose bleeds; early, irregular and heavy periods with flooding; congestion and nervous irritability of female organs and tissue; backaches better for movement; involuntary urination; nose bleeds; osteoporosis; vaginal discharge, vaginal dryness; vaginal yeast infections; vaginal pain during sexual intercourse; uterine pain; ovarian pain; cervical erosion; heavy menstrual periods during, metrorrhagia during and after menopause; total loss of sexual libido; constipation; weariness; generally chilly. 


Hysterical tendencies during menopause; anxiety and mental imbalance in peri-menopause and during menopause. Anxiety during menopause with flushes of heat. Anxiety in the evening but improves in the morning. Anxiety makes them walk faster. Agoraphobia with fear of going out; dread of meeting with friends. Claustrophobia in narrow places. Poor memory and difficulty concentrating worse under stress; irritable and over-sensitive. Menopause causes may symptoms. Depression is worse on waking in the morning, but better after getting up. They become indifferent to everything and everyone with disgust for life. They do not want to do anything, neither work nor play, even thinking is an exertion. They tend sulk and lash out at those closest. Withdraws and may use alcohol or marijuana to escape. 

Ready reckoner for Menopausal related symptoms:
1. Headache and Vertigo:  Belladonna, China, Cimicifuga, Nat mur, Gelsimium, Glonoine, Sanguinaria, Xanthoxyllim.

2. Flushes and Congestions:  Aconite, Lachesis, Sanguinaria, Jaborandi, Sepia, Sulphur, Veratrum vir, Puls, Nat mur.

3. Increased perspiration:  China, Graphites, Hepar sulph, Jaborandi, Acid sulph, Veratrum Alb, Calc carb.

4. Palpitation of heart:  Aconite, Cactus, China, Cratagus, Kali carb, Lachesis, Ignatia, Nat mur.

5. Haemorrhages:  China, Crocus sat, Hammemelis, Hydrastis, Ipecac, Lachesis, Plumbum, Sabina, Sanguinaria, Sepia, Trillium.

6. Disorders of the digestion:  Anacardium, Arg nit, Carbo veg, Carduus mar, China, Cocculus, Graphites, Ignatia, Lycopodium, Nat phos, Nux vom, Pulsatilla, Sepia, Sulphur.

7. Nervous disorders and exhaustion: China, Gelsemium, Ignatia, Moschus, Valeriana, Helonias.

8. Itching around the genital organs:  Ambra grisea, Caladium, Carbo veg, Collinsonia, Conium, Sulphur.

9. Leucorrhoea- Arsenic Alb, Baryta Carb, Sepia, Helonias, Alumina.


10. Decreased libido, low sexual energy – Sepia.


11. Vaginal dryness – Lycopodium.