Margery BlackieMargerie Blackie, MD

(1898 -  1981)


Margery Grace Blackie was born at Redbourn, Hertfordshire, England in 1898.

Dr. Blackie qualified in medicine at the London School of Medicine for Women in 1923, and in the following year joined the staff of the London Homoeopathic Hospital. Here she came under the teaching influence of John Henry Clarke, Charles Wheeler and Douglas Borland, himself a former student of James Tyler Kent.

She obtained her M.D. from the University of London in 1928. During her career she combined a busy homoeopathic general practice with her hospital work, which culminated in her appointment in 1966 as Honorary Consultant Physician to the Royal London Homoeopathic Hospital.

She was Dean of the Faculty of Homoeopathy from 1965 to 1979. She was appointed Physician to H.M. the Queen in 1968. She was admired by her patients for her concerned approach, kindness, and skill.

Dr. Blackie died in 1981.

It is as a brilliant teacher, whose vivid descriptions of various constitutional types of patients became engraved in the minds of her listeners, that her undergraduate and postgraduate students remember her. It was this deep understanding of the characteristics of the individual remedy that formed the basis of her international reputation

Biography excerpted from D.P. Rastogi's Homeopathic Gems.
