Letters to Editors
Questions: Dr S. k. Vashisht
Email: sk_vashisht@hotmail.com
Query: Such case records are welcome, it helps in gaining more
confidence among youn Homoeopaths. Dr Dhiraj nanda you had prescribed Calc carb
200 after Sulph 200, Calc carb is an Antidote /and inimical in relation to
Sulphur, please do clarify?
Answer by Dr. Dhiraj Nanda:
times during the treatment of a patient we as homoeopaths tend to forget the
following basics:
Homoeopathy treats the individual. If the individual demands the remedy we
should give it. Many homoeopaths follow the theory of remedy follow-well and
prejudiced with respect to follow up remedy as the already have a remedy in
their mind. Dr. Hahnemann warned against construction of theories and being
prejudiced. Our simple job is made more complicated by such theories. If patient
demands (based on his picture) a remedy, who are we to deny that remedy, even if
it is an antidotal remedy. This is one reason that we find many remedies
mentioned in both follow well as well as antidotal relationship.
In this case, the change of remedy from sulphur to calc.carb. was associated
with change at the level of mind where the anguish of loss of reputation had
been replace by thoughts of loss of finance. This was an indication of change of
syphilis miasm to sycosis at the level of mind.