Modern Homoeopathy
Monthly E-Newsletter December 2008
Latest News in Homoeopathy
HARC celebrated World AIDS Day with AIDS affected children
On 1st December 2008 Homoeopathic Academy of Research & Charities members & office Bearers celebrated World AIDS Day with AIDS affected children at Jeevanrekha Balgriha, Parbhani. President of HARC Dr Pawan S Chandak has gifted Water Filter to President of Jeevanrekha Balgriha 'Mr. Javed Faruki' to solve water born infection problem. In this whole weekend HARC provided Nutritious Foods to children's of Jeevanrekha. On this occasion Dr Nikhil Kendrekar, Dr. Shrigopal Darak, Mr. Ambadas Akulwad, Care Taker Smt. Savitra Puri were present.
Shaktibrahma Homoeo Care is now 3 beded Homoeopathic Hospital
Shaktibrahma Homoeo Care is now 3 bed well equipped Homoeopathic Hospital with 2 separate Consultation room, big waiting area, facility of admission for acute emergency cases. This Hospital inaugurated on 21 December. Big waiting area, 2 separate cabin with Consultation by Dr Pawan Chandak & Dr Mrs Asha Chandak & in acute & emergency cases IPD facility & genuine & good quality Homoeopathic Medicines. It is located at 'Shaktibrahma Homoeo Care' 7, 'Kinara' Shivaji Nagar, Near Architect Chandak House, Parbhani.
HARC celebrated Diwali festival with AIDS affected children at Parbhani
On 27th October Homoeopathic Academy of Research & Charities has organized a program at 'Jeevanrekha Balgrih' run by Nari Vikas Mandal, Parbhani for AIDS affected children. Team of HARC went there are distributed one month 'Sprout Material to Care taker of society which will be used as Nutritious breakfast daily morning. Also served Nutritious foods to children. In this Program in the presidential address by Adv M. K. Ubale said that such type of program are very necessary in this society, there is need to gather all active social worker & to work for the health benefit of these children. Art of Living Teacher Mr. Ambekar says that we are planning to conduct educational program which will help to build up mental & physical health of these children, to gain confidence in these children so they should not think they are different from society. We will plan to mix up them with our society. Mr. Prashant Yeldarkar, Dr. Nikhil Kendrekar, Mr. Ambadas Akulwad had organized 'Drawing competition' for these children. Students had actively involved in this competition and enjoyed it. HARC planned to start Education for these children on weekly basis so that they can read & write. In the evening Dr. Pawan S. Chandak, Dr. Nikhil Kendrekar & Mr. Ambadas Akulwad celebrated Diwali with these children.
Dr. Pawan S. Chandak, Dr. Mrs. Asha Chandak, Mr. Ambadas Akulwad, Mr. Kailash Sulsule, Rahul Patange, Satyanarayan Chandak, Mrs Basanti Chandak, Dr. Nikhil Kendrekar, Prashant Yeldarkar has taken efforts to success this event.
th October 2008, Graduation celebration at Singapore
Special Training for US homeopaths in MAY and JUNE 2009
Dr. Vijay Vaishnav and
Dr. Daxa Vaishnav are
pleased to announce special training sessions in USA for homoeopathic
doctors (and students with some training in homeopathy). |
Dr.A.K.Gupta Nominated Hony Member of Delhi Homoeopathic Board
Dr.A.K.Gupta has been recently nominated as the Hony. Member of Board of Homoeopathic System of Medicine Delhi, Govt. of NCT Delhi, for a term period of 3 years, according to the Notification of Department of Health and Family Welfare , Govt. of Delhi. Dr.A.K.Gupta MD(Hom.) is a Private Practioner and also a Visiting Prof. in B.R.Sur Hom. Medical College. He is the Founder Director of Om Vidya Institute of Homoeopathy and Allied Medical Sciences (OVIHAMS), accredited in Limca Book of Records. He is the recipient of this year’s Bharat Excellence Award also for exemplary service in the field of Homoeopathy. He has a website which is dedicated to Homoeopathy, Health and Medical Care, where Online Homoeopathic treatment is also provided. He has been contributing regularly for the cause and upliftment of Homoeopathy by giving Radio and TV programs also for creating the awareness about homoeopathy in masses by organizing various health camps and also gave the slogan that “Homoeopathy Ensures Health Safely” and his rejoinder was published in Lancet site also. He was previously Nominated as Hony. Member of Delhi Homoeopathic Advisory Committee by Govt. of NCT Delhi. He has been associated with many Medical Assocaitions and Organizations and held various responsible Key posts as of President, Secy . He has presented many Scientific Papers in National and International Conferences in India and Foreign Countries. He has chaired many scientific sessions in the Seminars, Symposiums and conferences. His Articles have been published in various Magzines and Medical Journal also. He has been functioning as Online Counselor also and replying the queries about homoeopathy. With his clinical acumen he has been treating a large number of patients all around the Globe. He is helping the patients of MND a great deal.
Dr Harry Van Der Zee giving Lecture at Seminar arranged by Homoeopathic Study Circle at Mumbai, India on 27th September 2008
New Book of Dr. Luc De Schepper Published
Advanced Guide for Professional Homeopaths
Luc DE SCHEPPER, MD, PhD, LicAc, CHom, DIHom
book is intended to bridge Dr Luc's two books: Achieving and Maintaining the
Simillimum and the book due out in 2009--Jung: Delusions, Dreams and Homeopathy,
which has been the core material of his latest seminars. The latest findings
about potencies, miasms and observations of Hering are fine tuned for
clinicians. Furthermore, eleven intra-uterine questions and eleven questions for
the homeopath to see if the clinician has the right remedy are explained in
detail with clinical examples. In addition, the core delusion is defined and
ways of finding it in the clinic. Jung's introduction of extrovert and introvert
types, as well as the functions of consciousness, give the homeopath a solid
introduction to use these characteristics to know the constitution and
temperament of the patient. This is an invaluable guide for any professional in
Buy My Drugs, I Shall Regularize Your College - Homeopathy Council Chairman Exposed
Thursday, February 21, 2008 at 4:41:29 PM
He is a leading homeopathy manufacturer in India and is also the president of the Central Council of Homeopathy, the apex body overseeing homeopathy colleges.
He thought he could leverage his position as president of the council to promote his drugs.
His philosophy was simple – managements that wanted recognition from the council would have to buy up products manufactured by his firm Bakson’s Drugs and Pharmaceuticals.
And it worked. As many as 37 colleges obtained recognition that way. But nemesis is now catching up with the man.
In the charge-sheet filed in a court in New Delhi on Monday, the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI), CBI has accused SPS Bakshi (55), son of a renowned homoeopath, Dr Kirpal Singh Bakshi, of abusing his official position as the president of CCH, a statutory body constituted under the provision of Homeopathy Central Council Act, 1973 and granting recognition to 37 colleges. The council gets grant-in-aid from Ministry of Heath and Family Welfare.
“The extension of recognition was granted to the colleges despite the fact that they did not meet minimum requirements for the bachelor course of Homeopathy,” said the charge-sheet.
Bakshi refused to extend the recognition to Homeopathic Medical College, Hoshiarpur (Punjab), because Dr SP Anand, secretary of the college had refused to purchase medicines worth Rs 5 lakh manufactured by Bakshi’s company, the agency alleged. The CBI during the probe found that the said college met all the necessary pre-conditions for obtaining the Council’s recognition.
On the other hand, Solan Homeopathy Medical College was granted permission despite not fulfilling the mandatory minimum requirement. It was later found one of the members of the college had bought drugs worth Rs nine lakh from Bakson’s Drugs and Pharmaceuticals.
A few years ago, Bakshi was reportedly arrested by Kolkata police on charges of selling homeopathic medicines mixed with steroids, without a licence from the state drug control directorate, in his clinic in Kolkata.
CCH vice president Dr Ramjee Singh and secretary Dr Lalit Verma has been named a co-conspirator in the recognition scam.
Bakshi’s Bakson’s Drugs & Pharmaceuticals itself runs 30 super specialty homoeopathic clinics throughout the country.