Modern Homoeopathy

Monthly E-Newsletter 2008

Latest News in Homoeopathy


New Book of Dr. Luc De Schepper Published

Advanced Guide for Professional Homeopaths
By  Luc DE SCHEPPER, MD, PhD, LicAc, CHom, DIHom


This book is intended to bridge Dr Luc's two books: Achieving and Maintaining the Simillimum and the book due out in 2009--Jung: Delusions, Dreams and Homeopathy, which has been the core material of his latest seminars. The latest findings about potencies, miasms and observations of Hering are fine tuned for clinicians. Furthermore, eleven intra-uterine questions and eleven questions for the homeopath to see if the clinician has the right remedy are explained in detail with clinical examples. In addition, the core delusion is defined and ways of finding it in the clinic. Jung's introduction of extrovert and introvert types, as well as the functions of consciousness, give the homeopath a solid introduction to use these characteristics to know the constitution and temperament of the patient. This is an invaluable guide for any professional in practice.




Dr. Mahendra Gaushal Delivering lecture at CCRH (Central Council for Research in Homoeopathy) New Delhi on Role of Biomedical Instrumental Parameters in Homoeopathy


New Book of Dr. V.K. Chauhan on UPSC & MD Entrance Exam Preparation released by B Jain Publication, New Delhi

Report on Dr. Dhiraj Nanda’s two day workshop on classical homoeopathy at Parbhani, Maharashta.

On the occasion of 253th birth anniversary of Dr. Samuel Hahnemann ‘A two day state level homoeopathic workshop on live case taking with constitutional, miasmatic analysis of case & remedy selection with Dr. Dhiraj Nanda and his team was organized by P. D. Jain Homoeopathic Medical College & Hospital, Parbhani on 29th and 30th of April 2008 in college auditorium.

Dr. S. S. Narwadkar, principal, P. D. Jain Homoeopathic Medical College & Hospital, Parbhani, inaugurated the workshop. Shri Dhanraj H. Jain, president, P. D. Jain Homoeopathic Medical College & Hospital, Parbhani, was the chief Guest. The most important feature of the work shop was live case-taking and analysis with selection of remedy, if required.


Clinical Part of Workshop: Live Case-taking and Analysis

During the workshop, in the morning session of both days, the delegates and interns of the college were divided into groups for live case-taking. Cases of more than 25 patients were taken live by Dr. S. Tamizuddin, Dr. Sushama, Dr. Musheer Ahmed, Dr. Ravi Pore, and Dr. Mahesh Tayshete in front of these groups.

All the cases were analyzed on the stage, in the auditorium by Dr. Dhiraj Nanda. Cases were analyzed on the basis of miasms with emphasis on selection of correct miasmatic rubric. The highlight of these sessions was that each rubric selected was explained with its importance and justification for selection. When a patient is shown to different homoeopaths, they usually select different remedy for the same patient but here it was different, as after analysis and explanation by Dr. Nanda, all delegates in the auditorium were unanimous about the remedy selected for almost each case.


Clinico-Theoretical Part of Workshop: Lectures by team doctors

On both days, the session of live case-taking and analysis was followed by clinico-theoretical lectures by the doctors from Dr. Dhiraj Nanda’s team and Dr. Nanda himself.


Day One – 29/05/08

The first lecture was on case-taking by Dr. S. Tamizuddin. He spoke on essential aspects of case-taking. He stated that the process of case taking should be called as case-perceiving as we perceive the constitution. He emphasized on the importance of observations and recording of patient’s own words with suitable examples.


This lecture summed up by Dr. Dhiraj Nanda’s talk on application of reactions of patients as induction and deduction during case-taking to find out the constitution.


The second lecture was by Dr. Sushama. She spoke on importance of physical appearance in finding out the constitution. Her lecture was based on aphorism 5 of ‘Organon of Medicine’. She presented with some rubrics from repertories and excerpts from materia medica on physical appearance. She made the lecture interesting with photographs of different aspects of physical appearance. This lecture was concluded by Dr. Dhiraj Nanda who explained on two negative personality traits (Amativeness – pertaining to sexual behavior and Suspiciousness) on the basis of observation of physical appearance.


The third lecture of day one was from Dr. Dhiraj Nanda himself. He explained about the miasms at the level of mind. His lecture had clips from movies and advertisements collected from world over depicting different miasms and miasmatic aspects of rubrics. The lecture continued in late evening with audience participating in two spot visual tests on identification of miasms by Dr. Dhiraj Nanda. 


Day Two – 30/05/08


After live case-taking and analysis on second day, Dr. Dhiraj Nanda presented one of his successfully treated cases that required liver transplantation. This patient had consulted numerous allopaths in different cities and unanimous opinion in favor of liver transplant. The father of this child is a serving officer in Indian Air force. For this patient CDA (Controller of Defence Accounts), Secunderabad paid a sum of INR 29.70 lakhs to a leading hospital, Hyderabad on 29/04/07. This amount of 90% of the total sum of INR 33 lakhs specially sanctioned by GOI for live related liver transplant of the patient, the donor being the mother of the patient. This amount remained deposited with the hospital till 10/10/07. The hospital had charged INR 1.3 lakhs for pre-transplant evaluation of donor and recipient. On 10/10/07 the balance amount of INR 28.40 lakhs was returned by this hospital to CDA, Secunderabad. This miracle has occurred because of classical homoeopathy where the medicine was selected on relevant miasmatic rubrics.


The first lecture was on case-taking by Dr. Sushama on successful prescription.

This lecture emphasized on clinical aspects of successful prescription. Her talk covered important aspects of when to prescribe and when not to; when to repeat and when not to; does the constitution change; what are the factors that change the constitution, and what parameters point towards the fact that constitution had changed or is changing. She explained how Dr. Dhiraj Nanda judges the change of constitution in his clinic.


The second lecture was on impact of social environment on constitution by Dr. Musheer Ahmed. He spoke on social aspects that affect the constitution at different ages and stations of life.


The third lecture was on impact of modern life on constitution by Dr. Mahesh Tayshete. He spoke on impact of light on the constitution. He talked about the patho-physiology of exposure to long durations of light with reference to sleep disorders, cancer and some symptoms of mind.


The fourth lecture of the second day was by Dr. Ravi Pore who spoke on direction of cure. He mentioned that ‘Hering’s Law’ cannot be seen each and every case. He spoke in detail about ‘Hering’s Rule’ with respect to some unknown aspects from history. He explained the audience that how Dr. Dhiraj Nanda uses the detailed understanding of ‘Hering’s Rule’ with reference to different dominant miasms to assess the direction of cure.


This was followed by presentation of some gross pathological cases successfully treated by Dr. Dhiraj Nanda’s in clinic. These audio-visual cases were presented by Dr. S. Tamizuddin, Dr. Sushama, Dr. Musheer Ahmed, Dr. Ravi Pore, and Dr. Mahesh Tayshete. The cases of following pathological conditions were presented: Carcinoma Larynx; Renal Cortical Cyst; Lymphangioma of eye; Ovarian Cyst; Obesity with Depression; and Rheumatoid Arthritis.


At end of workshop Dr. Dhiraj Nanda gave an open invitation of delegates to visit anytime to his clinic to get first hand live experience in his clinic.   


Dr. Ajit Kulkarni’s International seminar at Moscow 2008 – A report


Bharat Excellence Award to Dr.A.K.Gupta
              Prof. Dr.A.K.Gupta  renown Homoeopathic Consultant & Founder Director A.K.Gs OVIHAMS was conferred with the prestigious “Bharat Excellence Award and Gold Medal” for his contribution in the Medical Sciences specially in the field of Homoeopathy. In a glittering function and National Seminar on “Economic Growth and National Unity” organized by Friendship Forum of India.
            Dr.G.V.G.Krishnamurthy Hon’ble Former Chief Election Commissioner Govt. of  India said that the highest blessing is to earn the name and fame in ones own field. While narrating his experiences as of  pride Indian he praised  the Awardees of Bharat Excellence Award 2008 . Dr.A.K.Gupta MD(Hom) is a visiting Professor, in Sur Homoeopathic Medical College and also has accreditation in Limca Book of records. His clinical acumen has earned  him many laurals & awards including the Prestigious International Hahneman Award of the Millennium & Lord Dhanwantri Award. Dr. Gupta specializes his Homoeopathic treatment for Chronic diseases Vitiligo, Arthritis, Psychological & Sexual Disorders and Difficult cases . He renders Online treatment also to patients from all over the world and imparts free treatment to the poor and needy also. He has been very actively involved with the upliftment  & development of homoepathy by creating awareness through his articles in Newspapers , Magazines and also participating in Health awareness programmes in  various TV Channels. He has contributed number of papers in various National & International Conferences. He gave the slogan that Homoeopathy Ensures Health Safely and his rejoinder was acclaimed in Lancet also. Dr.gupta has his website which is dedicated to Homoeopathy Health & Medical care.
           Governor of Nagaland, Mrs. Lakshmi  of Women Commission organistion and Mrs. Arya Ex Mayor, Mr.Nasir Diplomat Ambassador of Bahrain  also presented awards to the achievers who have done something special in various categories and different walks of life. The awards were given to people from all over India in the categories of Medical, Engineering, Architecture, Agricultural, Education, Social work, Arts, Literature , Music and Culture for their exemplary contribution in their respective fields from different states like, Gujrat, Haryana, Punjab, Delhi, Meghalaya, J&K, Himachal, UP, Karnataka & North- Eastern side of the country in a public function largely attended at India International Centre.
                                               Secy . OVIHAMS
Prof. Dr.A.K.Gupta
Homoeopathic Consultant(Gold Medalist)
Prof. B.R.Sur Homoepathic Medical College, IP University Delhi
Recipient- Bharat Excellence Award,International Dr.Hahnemann Award of the Millennium
Lord Dhanwantri Award, Meritorious Award, Life Achievement Award
Director - A.K.GsOVIHAMS
J -158,Rajouri Garden,New Delhi -110027
158, Satya Niketan Moti Bagh , New Delhi -110021
RU-115, Pitam Pura, New Delhi - 110080
Ph - 25101989, 24100494, M -9811341238
website -


Need Natural Healing Tips - What Is Homeopathy?


Homeopathy is the process through which the body can cure itself of illness with remedies that contain minute amount what probably caused the illness to begin with. “Like cures like” is one of the base principles of homeopathic healing. This theory is similar to the way vaccines work. To prevent certain childhood illnesses, a child is given a shot that contains an anti serum derived from the illness itself. This helps the body build up a tolerance on its own and boosts the immune system.

All over the world, homeopathy has become the second most preferred method of healing. One distinct advantage of homeopathic remedies over herbal treatments is the homeopathic remedy offers instant results - providing you have taken the right remedy for your affliction.

Unlike over the counter drugs and prescriptions, there are no unpleasant side effects with homeopathic remedies. These remedies are safe enough for babies and pregnant or nursing women to use. The remedies will not interfere with any regular medication taken either.

The whole idea of homeopathy for the medication to work with your body to help it cure itself. Most conventional medicines mask the symptoms, or cover up the pain. You take an aspirin, your pain is gone, but the problem is still there. Got a cough? Take some cough medicine to cover up that tickle in your throat, but that does not necessarily mean you are cured of the base cause. Homeopathic medicine treats the illness as a whole, no one symptom becomes singled out and treated. By treating the illness in this manner, the cause itself receives treatment, thus effectively eliminating the illness.

Another plus to homeopathic remedies is they are not addictive. As soon as the symptoms stop and you start to feel better, you can stop taking the remedy. On the other hand, should you find that your symptoms are not going away, and then you are probably taking the wrong remedy and should look into using a different one?

So, what is the downside to homeopathy? Firstly, trying to find the right remedy to fit your symptoms can be tricky. For example, there is no across the board homeopathic remedy for headaches. To find your remedy you have to look at where the pain is centralized, what were the circumstances that brought on the headache and what makes it feel worse. Every aspect of an illness has to be considered before you can begin to narrow down your options for remedies.

Homeopathic remedies are widely varied and it would be impossible for a pharmacy or health food store to contain all of them. There are about thirty or so that are commonly used and these you can usually find easily. However, if your remedy is not one of these, then you might find yourself embarking on a very long search to find it.




Buy My Drugs, I Shall Regularize Your College - Homeopathy Council Chairman Exposed


Thursday, February 21, 2008 at 4:41:29 PM


He is a leading homeopathy manufacturer in India and is also the president of the Central Council of Homeopathy, the apex body overseeing homeopathy colleges.


He thought he could leverage his position as president of the council to promote his drugs.

His philosophy was simple – managements that wanted recognition from the council would have to buy up products manufactured by his firm Bakson’s Drugs and Pharmaceuticals.

And it worked. As many as 37 colleges obtained recognition that way. But nemesis is now catching up with the man.

In the charge-sheet filed in a court in New Delhi on Monday, the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI), CBI has accused SPS Bakshi (55), son of a renowned homoeopath, Dr Kirpal Singh Bakshi, of abusing his official position as the president of CCH, a statutory body constituted under the provision of Homeopathy Central Council Act, 1973 and granting recognition to 37 colleges. The council gets grant-in-aid from Ministry of Heath and Family Welfare.

“The extension of recognition was granted to the colleges despite the fact that they did not meet minimum requirements for the bachelor course of Homeopathy,” said the charge-sheet.

Bakshi refused to extend the recognition to Homeopathic Medical College, Hoshiarpur (Punjab), because Dr SP Anand, secretary of the college had refused to purchase medicines worth Rs 5 lakh manufactured by Bakshi’s company, the agency alleged. The CBI during the probe found that the said college met all the necessary pre-conditions for obtaining the Council’s recognition.


On the other hand, Solan Homeopathy Medical College was granted permission despite not fulfilling the mandatory minimum requirement. It was later found one of the members of the college had bought drugs worth Rs nine lakh from Bakson’s Drugs and Pharmaceuticals.


A few years ago, Bakshi was reportedly arrested by Kolkata police on charges of selling homeopathic medicines mixed with steroids, without a licence from the state drug control directorate, in his clinic in Kolkata.

CCH vice president Dr Ramjee Singh and secretary Dr Lalit Verma has been named a co-conspirator in the recognition scam.

Bakshi’s Bakson’s Drugs & Pharmaceuticals itself runs 30 super specialty homoeopathic clinics throughout the country.


