Modern Homoeopathy

Monthly E-Newsletter December 2007


Kentian Philosophy (on homeopathy)
By Gina Tyler DHOM.

Compare and Contrast Suppression, palliation, and susceptibility Suppression or palliation of disease, is the removal of the external symptoms of disease by external, mechanical, chemical, or topical treatment, or by many means of powerful drugs, given internally in massive doses, this having a toxic effect but no true, curative action. 

Any suppressed disease gets worse after this treatment. Temporary relief of the organism brings on damage to vital organs leading to death.

The orifices in our body are meant to release toxins: the nose has discharges, eyes water, throat coughing, anus bowel movements, and the bladder urination. And the largest elimination organ our skin, releases sweat and impurities. If all of these are blocked, toxins stay in the body. Allopathy encourages this by its suppressive medications. It's normal to see a cough suppressant or anti-perspirant or sinus medication to stop a runny nose in this modern world.

    An inhibition of a physiological phenomena, or removal of a diseased manifestation before the disease itself is cured, is call suppression. 
    Vital organs are effected from use of suppressive medication. Removal of a skin symptom will not cure by means of surgery or topical ointment. After the skin symptom has been suppressed, its new symptom will appear in another form. Example: eczema = asthma.

Two types of suppression:

1) Natural - Examples: inhibited suppressed fear, anger, shock, disappointment, and exposure to excess heat and cold.
2) Artificial - Examples: by use of allopathic treatments, skin topical ointment use, suppression of natural secretions, removal of organs.

The reason for this is due to the energy transforming itself to another area; energy cannot be destroyed, only transformed. 

Skin symptoms are dispelled with relief by means of some topical solution. Yet years later, a vital organ has trauma, yes it's related…the virus has turned within itself and waited until the right moment to weaken a favorite organ deep in the body. 

In the following cases, suppression of the first symptom will lead to the second symptom:
Eczema = asthma
Foot sweat = headaches
Ear discharge = facial neuralgia
Leucorrhoeal discharge = abdominal pain

Emotional suppressions will lead to physical problems. When it's treated with homeopathic medicine, the focus is on the "cure" and origin of cause, the return of all suppressed manifestations appear. This is a must. It is a sign that the law of cure is taking place. 

The relation between physical and mental states have been recorded as such:
Asthma = schizophrenia
Ulcerative colitis = psychotic depression
Cardiac neurosis = acute anxiety state

The constitutional remedy is needed to reach deep into the vital force even with local skin symptoms any other form of local therapy acts suppressive. 

1) Natural suppression -
Functions of the body inhibited. Examples:
Amenorrhoea from fear; pyrexia from suppression of sweat; and insanity from suppression of grief. 

2) Artificial suppression -
Removal of surface manifestations continues treatments of suppressions. 

Baby - suppr. itch eruptions or rashes
Child - eczema suppr.
Teen - psoriasis suppr.
Adult - suppr. of skin cancer

If persisted and continued, it keeps causing problems in deeper vital organs.
A) Use of opium to rid cough - leads to chronic cough, fever, night sweats.
B) Diarrhea suppressed - leads to constipation, fever, and delirium.
C) Use of aspirin to rid pain - exaggerated manifestations in vital organs.
D) Supp. of secretions - waste and toxins go to organs.
E) Surgical removal like tonsils does not cure but weakens the vital energy. 

Treatment to cure:
Symptomatic totality. Take history of patient before suppression even if it is 30 - 40 years ago.

We can make a patient more comfortable by the art of palliation by use of a well - selected homeopathic remedy. Possible and permissible sometimes. 
There is a right way and a wrong way to palliate. The wrong way can lead to metastasis to more important organs. This can lead to further complications. 
The right kind of palliation is curative as far as it goes, cure is impossible because cure has passed beyond the curable stage. 

When death is near and something quick has to be done, a gradual stimulation of the vital organs is possible; no disease will be removed on cured in this matter. In exceptional cases palliation is used as an anaesthetic. Palliation is a temporary relief of a symptom before the disease is cured. 

A = palliation by homeopathy
B = palliation by other means

A. By homeopathy- the use of the laws of similia are also used in palliation of incurable diseases. This holds a permanent "hope" for the patient. Patient can be made comfortable. Will relieve the agony of death.

B. By other means- Allowed only in time of danger of death where homeopathy does not have time to work. In accidents, in poisonings, and with euthanasia. 

In incurable diseases, too much palliation makes the disease more incurable due to it becoming suppressive in manner. 

The bad effects of a disease are not removed with palliation.


    The general capability of the organism to receive impressions, the power to react. The cure of disease depends upon the power of the organism to react to impression of the curative remedy. 

The degree of susceptibility depends on the physician, how he can modify susceptibility is the basis of the art of the physician. 

The organism is more susceptible to similar stimuli than to dissimilar stimuli, the "simillimum" or equal. A sick organism is more susceptible to similar medicine than the healthy organism. It follows the states of increase, diminish or destroy. 

Morbid susceptibility can be regarded negative or a state of lowered resistance. Example: Two people can contact the same disease, but due to different susceptibility of each person, one will be effected and get sick, the other may not be affected. 

Nothing should be done to weaken our susceptibility because it's our most valuable asset. Habit and the environment modify susceptibility. People who work outside and sleep little eat fatty food are less susceptible. People who work in perfume factories are under the influence of drugs. Druggists, and chemical workers posses little susceptibility to medicine and require low potencies.

The deaf and dumb have a low degree of susceptibility. And those that are used to taking many prescriptions of allopathic medicine, herbs, vitamins, etc. require a high potency due to their susceptibility.

List of Dr. Tyler's articles on homeopathy

Dr. Tyler practices homeopathy in Woodland Hills, California and she also gives phone consultation for children who have been hurt by vaccines.