Presented by Dr. Pawan S. Chandak
Kali ars.
Kali mur.
Kali carb.
Kali bichromicum.
Kali iod.
Kali sulph.
Kali chlor.
Kali cynatum.
Kali phos.
Kali aceticum
Kali brown.
Kali caust.
Kali chromicum.
Kali citricum.
Kali fluoratum.
Kali ferro cyanatum.
Kali formicum.
Kali hydrocyanum.
Kali hypophos.
Kali nitricum.
Kali natrum tartaricom.
Kali oxalicum.
Kali perchloricum
Kali permanganatum.
Kali picric.
Kali salicyclicum.
Kali tartaricum.
Kali telluricum.
Kali (K+) is the normal constituent of tissues and fluids esp. muscles. It is a component of nerve cells. The main function is impulse transmission. Maintains tone of muscle. But produces weakness of cardiac muscles.
MIASM: Psoric & Sycotic miasm.
CONSTITUTION: Heavily built, stout and robust. Oedema, swelling around the eyes, esp. upper eyelids.
Weakness, Tiredness, enervation:
Mental and Physical. Mental exertion cause fatigue. < Sexual excesses. (Kali Carb.)
Weakness produces emaciations and withering (Kali Carb, Kali Iod).
Weakness associated with tendons, joints, ligaments.
Back is extremely weak. (Kali Carb).
Joints turn easily.
Mucous Membranes:
Causes congestions, ulcerations and inflammation.
Increases and alters mucous secretions
Kali Iod:- Profuse, watery, burning discharge
Kali Bich:- Yellow, stringy discharges.
Kali phos, Kali sulph:- Bloody discharges.
Arrests abnormal secretion:-
Kali carb :- Oedema lower limbs.
Kali sulph:- Pulmonary oedema, hydrothorax.
Kali carb/ Kali Iod:- Hydrarthrosis esp. of knee joint. < movement.
Central nervous system:
Convulsions, chorea, epilepsy (Kali carb)
Respiratory System:
Oppressed breathing.
Marked action on lungs
Tracheitis, Bronchitis, Pneumonia and Bronchiectasis.
Kidneys affected leading to oedema of lower limbs.
Thermal :
Predominantly chilly. Except Kali bich; Kali sulph; Kali iod.
Foetor oris. Bad smell from the mouth.
< after midnight
< early morning.
Kali bi - 2 a.m.
Kali carb - 3 a.m.
Kali phos - 3 - 5a.m.
Kali sulph - 6 a.m.
< movement.
Anxiety++: Felt in pit of stomach. Tense person, always anxious.
Very conscientious people. Duty bound.
They are the people with strong pe\rinciples and convictions.
They live thier lives entirely by the rules. Always stick to norms and rules.
However, this can progress to rigidity, dogmatic and obstinate approach to being very moral, conservative and ethical.
Serious people who do not want to let emotions to rule them. There is a strong undercurrent of tension and anxiety.
Fears and phobias. Usually felt in the stomach.
Everything has to be routine. Do not tolerate new, unexpected things.
Practical and pragmatic. Work steadily and slowly. However they are not workaholics
Family oriented persons. Work hard to support them.
Closed and reserved people. Tendency to hold on the things. (Expressed physically as constipation and difficult labour)
Mag aceticum.
Mag ars.
Mag borocitricum
Mag brom.
Mag chlor.
Mag citricum.
Mag fluor.
Mag formicum.
Mag gluconicum.
Mag hydroxydum.
Mag hypophos.
Mag iod.
Mag nitricum.
Mag oxydatum.
Mag salicyclicum.
Mag silicatum.
Mag carb.
Mag mur.
Mag phos.
Mag sulph.
An earth metal which is present in mitochondria of cells, which are the power houses of the cells. Helps in process of oxidation. Helps in Ca+ metabolism (Deficiency of Mg leads to hypocalcemia and therefore in neuro-muscular transmission). It is a component of RNA and DNA.
Psoric, Sycotic, Syphilitic, Tubercular.
Rheumatic and Gouty diathesis .
Exudative and hemorrhagic diathesis
Uraemic and lithaemic diathesis.
Ailments from :
Suppressed discharges, eruptions.
Loss of fluids.
Tobacco / Alcohol.
Deep acting constitutional remedies.
Tendency to spasmodic affections spasms, cramps, convulsions, tremors, epilepsy etc.
Tendency to relaxation of tissues . Prolapse, bearing down. Ptosis. Subluxations, sprains, strains etc. Varicosity. Incontinence. Herniations.
Poor Reaction :
Poor reaction to suppuration ; Scar formation.
Nutrition :
Poor assimilation (in rickets, worms, etc.)
Children with malnutrition and emaciation.
Pain :
Crampy, cutting, boring, stitching, tearing, band like.
< Touch
> Rubing
> Motion
Periodicity :
Every 2nd or 21st day.
Special affinity for glands :
Lymph glands, thyroid, endocrine glands, prostate etc.
Discharges :-
Black, pitch-like. Profuse, sour smelling sticky, lumpy. Stains the clothes.
Craving: Fruits, meat, sour, sweet.
A mental condition arising from lack of love, affection and recognition, esp. in childhood. Rejected children, orphans.
In rejected children, Mag. finds it's place as a remedy. Due to rejection, there is a greater than usual frustration, as the demands are not fulfilled.
Demands in the form of love, affection, security and recognition. These produce a conflict in them and ultimately anxiety is manifested in dreams and delusions. Dreams of robbers. Dreams of dead. Dreams of being lost in a forest.
Neglected feeling with suppressed emotions
Mental weakness and lethargy
Pacifism: According to Vithoulkas, Magnesiums hate aggression. They get very disturbed by violence. They hate quarrels as quarrels tend to break relationships, which they cannot bear.
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