Modern Homoeopathy
Monthly E- Newsletter June 2008
Interview with Dr. Mahendra H. Gaushal
Interviewed by Dr. Pawan S. Chandak
Dr. Pawan S. Chandak – Dear Dr. Gaushal Welcome to!
We are feeling happy to have with you today.
Nowadays many homoeopaths are using Patents, combination, biochemics, mother tinctures at a time. What do you think due to such things is there any chance of Suppression & what’s your view towards concept of suppression as told by Dr. Hahnemann.?
Dr. Mahendra Gaushal: As time advances , it is a natural phenomena that new thoughts will be added to old ones. There is no harm from using patents if it contains single drug in it even. It is a need of time that these new thoughts should be tested on scientific ground. Patents, combinations, bio chemic, Mother tincture can be used if they satisfy the National and International parameters of clinical trials.
(The details of clinical trials of any therapeutics agents can be obtained from website of WHO ). It is told by Hahnemann that combinations cause suppression. But again to prove or disprove it clinical trials are the best answers instead of mere discussing theoretical for palliative treatment in some extreme cases, combinations can be advocated up to certain limit.
Dr. Pawan S. Chandak – Can you please tell us about your life from childhood till now.
Dr. Mahendra Gaushal: Noting special happened in childhood which can be told here. In the second year of my Homoeopathic course our groups of four friends was badly humiliated by a professor of Physics saying that Homoeopathic successes, occur by fluke only & it doest have any scientific explanation for its cure. This was the high time for us to start work & to find the scientific validation of Homoeopathic successes. During the course of time three out of four of us left one by one leaving me alone for the tough job but it is said that where is the will there is the way. I started my career as an academician considering it was a best choice. While teaching various subjects in Homoeopathic schools, it was noticed by me that there is much more remained to do. There were few areas to work for establishing scientific validation of Homoeopathic successes having following parameters.
Biomedical Parameters.
Bio Chemical Parameters
Bio Medical Instrumental parameters etc.
I opted Biomedical instrumental parameters since Hahnemann quotes ( in Jan – 1830) in preface of his book Materia Medica Pura that the spirit which animates the body can not be laid hold of by the hands; It can only be recognized by its effects on the living body. To day in this era of Technology & science we can see, quantity & preserve the effects of various body responses, before, during and after Homoeopathic prescriptions with the help of Biomedical instruments…… and the work is in progress.
Dr. Pawan S. Chandak: Also tell us any special reason behind interest & Conversion in Homoeopathy ?
Dr. Mahendra Gaushal: Before joining in Homoeopathy school as student, I fell sick badly with sun stroke and was not relieved even a single symptom with modern medicine for nearly four days. Then my uncle ( who is a lay man Homoeopath ) gave me few doses of Homoeopathic drugs and amazingly my headache, fever, vomiting , UTI etc. have relieved within three hours. This was an un – imaginable speed of cure. Next week I withdraw my admission from famous local Agriculture University to take admission in Homoeopathic School.
Dr. Pawan S. Chandak: Who is the Man Behind you in your Homoeopathic life. I mean who is your Guru or Teacher or Guide or Inspirer ?
Dr. Mahendra Gaushal: My sun stroke of Course!, It had actually pushed me to study Homoeopathy. That particular circumstances was my guru. I find that professor of Physics who insulted us as Guru, who set my goals in future & made me to work accordingly. Along with many great traditional Homoeopathic teachers, I find criticizing friends & patients as my mentors. Guru not only teaches you but sensitizes you to your learning goal .
Dr. Pawan S. Chandak: What is your opinion about the present trends in Homoeopathy as regards various Approach, hypothesis and beliefs with respect to – classical Homoeopathy equivalent to single dose and single remedy etc ?
Dr. Mahendra Gaushal: I find it as an obvious phenomena that in Homoeopahty there are various approches, trends, and believe seen now a days. Such type of emergence is needed for Healthy growth of any Health care system. It shows your confidence in your system. If your confidence come out with endless efforts on Hahnemann principles and hard work then it will sustain otherwise in due course of time all believes approaches/ trends will get vanished those who were not in connection in any way with Hahnemann’s thought. Public is clever now a days. It will refuse the wrong trends & if time comes give punishment also to culprit.
Cure is a long & continued process one should not approve or disapprove single dose/ single remedy as a thumb rule. In the law of Individualization many things are to be considered. Flexibility is needed here. Word classical Homoeopathy is no more new meaning of classical ( oxford dictionary , 2002 ) is traditional in form & style. The very objective of a Homoeopath is to give fast & gentle relief to patient with permanent cure if it is fetched, name doesn’t matter.
Dr. Pawan S. Chandak: Please tell me in brief status of Homoeopathy includes your personal experience or problems you have faced in Homoeopathic Practice Parbhani to Nanded to Shirpur.
Dr. Mahendra Gaushal: Awareness towards Homoeopathy is increased in considerable amount in last twenty years. Earlier it was difficult to work Homoeopathically in tribal area of my place here in comparison to the urban people but results gave confidence in me and popularity in tribal zone of my area.
Dr. Pawan S. Chandak: What's your view towards Necessity for reproving of Homoeopathic medicines which were proved during Hahnemannian time ?
Is it really necessary and if yes does it can bring change in our Materia medica with new discoveries ?
Dr. Mahendra Gaushal: Reproving is necessary for at least those polychrests proved during Hahnemann's time. The life style, diet, environment has massively changed in last one hundred years. Restudying the material for better results is always welcome. Change for betterment is a sign of development. Our materia medica should emerge with new & good dimensions may new things in science have been discovered in last fifty years , which it never experienced in last five Hundred years. Genetic science & its pathology was not known to any body two hundred years ago.
Today we talk about fluently the immunomodulary activities of Rhus Tox in arthropathies and of Belladona in tonsilitis. Any new is an extension of old only.
Dr. Pawan S. Chandak: Is there any necessity for up gradation of 6th edition of Organon of Medicine ?
Dr. Mahendra Gaushal: Answer is the same of the last question change for betterment is a sign of development. In this process old one will never get destroyed. New will grow on old………………… tender & beautiful ! It will sustain if its roots were tightly engulfed to the fundamental principles of Homoeopathy.
Dr. Pawan S. Chandak: Views regarding Importance of diagnosis of diseases in Homoeopathy , Is it must ?
Dr. Mahendra Gaushal: It is mandatory. Homoeopaths have a lot of work to do he has to establish diagnosis of modern medicine aspect then its Homoeopathic ( miasmatic ) cleavage then after prognosis aspect of modern medicine and then Homoeopathic prognosis. Here nobody is enemy but one should grasp good qualities even from enemy in the favor of mankind ……. If you really mean it.
Dr. Pawan S. Chandak: Distribution of Preventive medicine in various Genus Epidemicus like Chikungunya, Viral fever , Conjuctivitis. Are you agreeing with Genus Epidemicus concept of Dr. Hahnemann if not then why ?
As Dr. Praful Vijaykar disagree Genus Epidemicus concept. ?
Dr. Mahendra Gaushal: I thoroughly agree with concept of GE of Hahnemann. We have a statistical data of our team who successfully worked in G.E. of chikungunya and conjunctivitis with Homoeopathy in Recently past productives fight with Brain fever in Andra Pradesh ( India ) G.E. is quotable example of Homoeopathic success. Sporadically many Homoeopaths have worked & still working on G.E. only the scientific statistical data is needed to be worked out. Showing Immuno – modulary activities in G.E. is the need of time. Teaching institutions of Homoeopathy can do better this job.
Dr. Vijaykar’s disagreement to concept of GE may be of his own.
Dr. Pawan S. Chandak: What's your opinion about the Miasmatic classification made by some Homoeopath like Cancer Miasm, Malaria Miasm, AIDS Miasm is it necessary to made separate classification than Hahnemannian classification Psora , Sycosis , Syphilis.
Dr. Mahendra Gaushal: If it proves its scientific validation with statistical analysis, it should be welcomed. Mere speculative false formulations will disintegrate the system. It should be strongly forbidden.
Dr. Pawan S. Chandak: What advise you will give for younger homoeopathic generation. As there in different school with different opinion all over the world like Sankaran, Predictive Homoeopathy, Vithoulkas , Sehgal group etc.
Dr. Mahendra Gaushal: Obviously you have to study basic first. If you are unhappy with that then you have an option of second thought.
Dr. Pawan S. Chandak: Tell us more about your research on theory “ Law of similar”
Dr. Mahendra Gaushal: You mean law of similia ……..
Amazing ! is the only word I can express about it. Now a days we are concentrating more on – Aetiopathological process of the complaints of patients the statistical analysis will come in hand upto next year.
Dr. Pawan S. Chandak: Tell us more about your study on Efficacy of Biomedical Instrumental parameters in Homoeopathy ?
Dr. Mahendra Gaushal: Kindly refer power point presentation named – Green CCRH. 27 March 2008.
Dr. Pawan S. Chandak: Now many new medicines are emerging that have been proved yet. What is your take on this issue ? There is lots of debate on this issue.
Dr. Mahendra Gaushal: No need of debate on such issues unproved new medicines are not Homoeopathic Even if somebody using it, that is his own discretion. Randomized success of such medicine can not be entitled under Homoeopathic success. Such intrusions should be carefully worded off by Homoeopathic fraternity. Damage caused by such instructions is always non – repairable.
Dr. Pawan S. Chandak: Since your focus is very much on the cured case, I would like to ask – How to you evaluate whether a remedy has acted curatively or not for the long term ?
What are the criteria for determining whether a remedy or a series of remedies is taking the patient in a curative direction. At what point in time would you consider a patient cured?
Tell us in your opinion or approach.
Dr. Mahendra Gaushal: You have asked a million dollars question. Evaluations of your success is a must. There is an urgent need to evaluate your success with modern scientific parameters. And fortunately there I am. I have opted purposely a subject – the studies on efficacy of Biomedical instrument parameters in Homoeopathy for my post graduate studies in Homoeopathy. I arrived to certain encouraging results with fewer Biomedical instrumental parameters to evaluate bodily responses to Homoeopathic prescriptions. We can sense, quantity and preserve these body response in the form of Bio potential signals. These signals can be picked up from the surface of the body ( e.g. ECG or EEG signals ) or from within the body ( e.g. invasive methods ). These signals get altered during disease state and come back to their normal status in health.
If Homoeopathic Medicine helps the patients, the altered signals will come back to their original normal state and if it didn’t work, those signals will remain uncharged. The process from altered signals to normal signals is a journey of cure in broader sense. That way there is no stable state like cured state. As Hahnemann explained in aphorism No.- 210 & 211 , we have to re correct the state of disposition. That is achievement of cure but again cure can be defined as non – disease state of the body as it is a relative terminology. Along with this technical analysis are thing is most important which is that patient should feel fresh, happy and optimistic during the process of cure if he is not feeling the state of well – being internally it is sure that the success has yet not been achieved.
Dr. Pawan S. Chandak: There can be a lot of controversy and discussion regarding the use of biomedical instrumental parameters to show efficacy of Homoeopathic medicines, Can you please tell us how it can be helpful & its need incurrent world.
Dr. Mahendra Gaushal: There is no controversy regarding the use of Biomedical instruments in Bio – medical studies. It will arise when one do not use it properly. For Example : if you check blood pressure of patient before giving him his simillimum say Glonoine and check blood pressure again after certain span of time & if you find a remarkable reduction in Hypertension of that patient is it not a scientific validation of your Homoeopathic success ? The only thing remains is that you have to make & statistical data of BP recording & Rx given that’s all ………….. !
Now a days many world class Bio medical devices have been developed which monitors the patient in highly sophisticated manner, even when patient is mobile – with the help of Biomedical telemetry.
This is a high time to work with such sophisticated biomedical devices to prove Homoeopathic successes.
Dr. Pawan S. Chandak: How should the students go about mastering your approach/ work ? Any advise you want to give to young Homoeopathic generation.
Dr. Mahendra Gaushal: Firstly let me clear it that it is not my approach now I am going to open a new, school of Biomedical engineering in Homoeopathy. What I feel is – it is the urgent need of time to correlate Homoeopathic success with the parameters which the whole world can accept. We should learn todays language. Everything is a new one when you use it first time.
I felt need of scientific validation of Homoeopathic success since long time. As soon as I came in contact with Biomedical Engineering almost in 1997 I started working on it & got the scientifically approved results. What else you want……? Still there is lot of work to do………… I may be first doing this in India but many people may be there in the world who are doing this even in a better way ……….. ! I don’t know I got traces of such work in aphorism No- 286. Where Hahnemann says ……………. Yet a lot of work to be done in this area ………… and so I am.
What I appeal to young generation is that they should acquaint fundamental Hahnemannian principles thoroughly first , the avenue for doing something new will open automatically …………!
Reference for New Comers – National good clinical practice and other guidelines