Modern Homoeopathy

Monthly Newsletter January 2008

Homoeopath in Focus : Dr. Luc De Schepper MD, PhD, DI Hom., CHom., Lic.Ac

Interview of

Dr. Luc De Schepper

Interviewed by Dr. Pawan S. Chandak


Dr. Pawan S. Chandak:

Dear Friends, today we have with us in our Homoeopath in Focus Corner, Dr. Luc, world famous homeopath.

Welcome Dr. Luc.

Will you please tell us how was your journey into the world of homeopathy began?
Any reason behind conversion to Homoeopathy or you have decided ?


Dr. Luc:

My journey into homeopathy started very early after entering private practice finishing medical school in 1971. I was replacing a doctor for his vacation for 14 days and to my surprise I saw the same patients on Sunday, another block of patients on Monday, etc…and only prescribed their meds, took BP, had some tea with them…and my mind never had to work. I was bored to death. And my first patient, a young girl who had headaches whenever the weather changed, thought as a newcomer I had an answer for her…of course I did not. She already had tried all headache meds I knew. That was` it for me and the next day I took off to Holland to study Traditional Chinese Medicine where I also was first introduced to homeopathy.


Dr. Pawan S. Chandak:

Will you tell me any difficulties you have faced in Homoeopathic practice in U.K. or western countries as there is not that much awareness as we are having in India ?
Please tell me status of homoeopathy in U.K. during your beginning time & probem you have faced ?


Dr. Luc:

The difficulties I encounter in Europe or in US have mainly to do with the fact that I have successes in cases where my medical colleagues have no answer. Especially bringing children off their addiction to antibiotics for ear infections always brought me the fury of the pediatricians. Jealousy, that sycotic trait, is alive and well, in every country I have been. It is not easy for a Medical Dr to treat his patients with homeopathy. Officially one has to be an allopathic MD to do it but then there is the other side that we have to treat patients according to “standard” care. So we get a split message and we hope that nothing goes wrong because where most of my colleagues claim that homeopathy is placebo, yet they are the first ones to also claim that these remedies might have done damage! The status of homeopathy therefore remains not only status quo but in many parts of the country goes backwards. But in my opinion this has only to do with the mediocre education available and the lack of good Hahnemaniann studies as most students are seduced by neo-homeopaths who have abandoned Hahnemann and go on a rampage of speculations…The true study of homeopathy is far more difficult than any other medical modality I ever studied…But we should learn from my allopathic colleagues to be at least on the same page, and start from the Organon and Chronic Diseases…Yes I know most claim they read these books…why are then so many homeopaths not following the guidelines at all?


Dr. Pawan S. Chandak:

I know that you have written more than a dozen books on homeopathy, acupuncture and holistic health?
Which thing drives you as an author?
Which of your own work is your favorite and why?


Dr. Luc:

I am in the process of writing my 16 th book and my 17th book as already 800 pages. What drives me as an author is in the first place my love for homeopathy and the patients I must treat. I also have a great love for teaching as I find it a great way to spread true Hahnemaniann homeopathy. I love studying and teaching, so writing comes natural as I get bored teaching the same things, I am always looking for new ways to integrate additional modalities such as Psychology and TCM but ALWAYS building on the sound Principles and Laws that Hahnemann has given us. My favorite book has not appeared yet as it will the 1,000 page book about Delusions, Dreams and Homeopathy where I integrate Carl Jung’s work into homeopathy and therefore created the most comprehensible and modern Materia Medica up to date. In it will also a great deal (200 pages) as how to interpret dreams in homeopathy, something that is NON existent as to date in homeopathy. The only thing from Hahnemann till now is that “recurrent dreams’ are important. But what do we do with it? Nothing. This is where we can learn from Jung and for the last three years I have absorbed anything of Jung (His Collective Volumes).


Dr. Pawan S. Chandak:

Any research experience ?


Dr. Luc:

I am far too busy healing people, even in Third world countries to have any time for research. But I did for a professor in Portland University a study of patients treated with “Spastic Dysphonia” or SD and had great results with that. He published a paper about it.


Dr. Pawan S. Chandak:

You have traveled across the world – from Africa to Asia, from Europe to US.
In Which country you have seen the maximum growth of homeopathy as a system of medicine and where do you see the most potential?


Dr. Luc:

Well no doubt the most potential is in India simple because you have the infra structure and the governments’ blessings. I was happy to be in 14 different places in one month to teach at some of your best universities and gladly to see the enthusiasm in the young students. I hope that when money comes into play, that India will not give up on Homeopathy like I see sometimes in China doctors giving up their TCM to now practice allopathy. But worldwide, the quality of teaching has to improve a lot in order to make an impression on the population. Let mediocre or bad homeopathy not be our main enemy!


Dr. Pawan S. Chandak:

I think you have devoted your life as Clinician, What were the most difficult aspects of clinical practice that you had to face? On which areas or topics you still consider difficult to manage with homeopathy or where the use of conventional medicine is essential?
In which cases you feel we are having limited scopes?


Dr. Luc:

indeed my life is dedicated to the clinic as I consider myself a forefront healer, a healer in the trenches. It is obviously the continuous horrendous allopathic suppression that makes our task very hard. As a result of the suppressive treatments, psora has evolved to sycosis and syphilis at a much accelerated rate so we see young children with cancers, diabetes, auto immune disorders and “new” disorders such as Autistic Syndrome Disorder (ASD). In California alone we have 1 on every 155 new births diagnosed as ASD child, talking about an epidemic!! And it will only accelerate so I am very pessimistic about the future as allopathy will keep on looking at further suppressive new medications instead of learning from older modalities like homeopathy and TCM. As a medical doctor, I do pay attention to pathology and certainly in that field allopathy makes more strides. Alas the diagnostic findings are rarely followed with sound therapy if at all. The knowledge of pathology IS important to us as to understand the miasm involved in the disease process. But for us it is only the beginning, not the end. The use of conventional medicine is imperative in the 5% of life saving injuries and operations. Keep in mind, only 10% of operations are ever necessary but they are (obstructions, stenosis, fractures, etc.)!


Dr. Pawan S. Chandak:

What has been your experience in teaching people who come from conventional medicine background?


Dr. Luc:

It is interesting that with a few exceptions, allopathic medical trained doctors are often the poorest students. They are usually shocked at the complexity of homeopathy and realize that practicing allopathic medicine is a lot easier and symptom rather than causality oriented. It is almost by instinct that allopathic doctors in the clinic would fall back on allopathic medicine when confronted with complex cases. The best students usually are TCM doctors and psychologists: they come from the right background as they think emotions first and then the physical breakdown, or as Jung used to say, “the greatest epidemic is people making people sick.”


Dr. Pawan S. Chandak:

What would be your advice to young homeopaths who have just started their clinical life?

Dr. Luc:

My advice to young students is simple: if you want an easy life and you want something easy to study, then don’t start homeopathy. But if you are dedicated to truly healing people and be totally absorbed by a great healing modality, then homeopathy is for you. And very important: start studying the old masters before you start any “new” inventions. The Organon and Chronic Diseases are unparalleled and always will have the answer for you. By studying these master works, it will be easy to know what is true and clinically valid versus speculation and fooling yourself and others. I also would tell them to stay away from politics so widespread in homeopathy as in the rest of the world. True homeopathy means remaining true to our Principles and stay humble and in the first place, taking a remedy yourself. Every homeopath should have the courage to investigate his on shadow side, but few do.


Dr. Pawan S. Chandak:

What is your vision or Dreams towards Homoeopathy in future ?


Dr. Luc:

My vision for the future: I know that it will remain a dream rather than reality. Homeopathy ought to be the primary medical modality instead of calling it Integrative medicine, and everything else could be integrative medicine. Alas, money and greed rules the world as it always has been, therefore a “cheap” modality like homeopathy has little chance except to surge in countries where the poorest of the poorest live and even there, these poor patients are neglected. But what a gift homeopathy could be for them!. If anything it would stop the senseless dying of millions of children everywhere. Improved hygiene and homeopathy are the real answers to the plagues that rule our world, but that sit not well in the message of those who are greedy.


Dr. Pawan S. Chandak:

Nowadays many homoeopaths, to get speedier results in practice in point of patients & money are using Patents, combination, biochemics, mother tinctures at a time. What do you think due to such things is there any chance of Suppression & what's your modern view towards concept of suppression as told by Dr. Hahnemann. ?


Dr. Luc:

There is no such thing as getting speedier results unless you call them suppressions. A chronic disease` took time to materialize, it will take time to cure them. If homeopaths truly want speedier results they should apply the advanced methods (Organon 5th and 6th edition) instead of being stuck in the 4th edition like 80% of practicing homeopaths. What is also sad to see is that many homeopaths do not know the definition of a true cure: 1/When symptoms return UNCHANGED. 2. When the Set of observations of Hering is followed. Anything else is suppression. I say it again, if you want an easy profession, “Sell shoes!”   Hahnemann’s concept of suppression is just as valid nowadays except that the present day homeopath has to fight with much stronger allopathic suppression than in the past! True homeopathic work requires painstaking work, full dedication and above all knowledge of our principles. There are NO short cuts and our patients deserve not to be used as guinea pigs for “new” methods. For those who advocate such methods, do like Hahnemann: show the courage to do it on yourself first but that rarely happens!


Dr. Pawan S. Chandak:

Is there any necessity for up gradation of 6th edition of Organon of Medicine?


Dr. Luc:

I still have to see anything from modern times that could be added to the 6th edition of the Organon or could be material for a 7th edition. I am aghast at how many modern “masters” blast the Organon as an old dusty bible and naming its supporters dogmatic and foolish. When I invite such great prophets to tell me what is wrong in the 6th edition and what they can provide new for the last edition, they remain numb or express their ignorance of the Organon! Rather than a useful conversation and discussion, they remain blind to true homeopathy and this in itself will devastate homeopathy more than anything else. Just like politicians: attack the messenger so we would not look at their message! It’s called cowardice and not progress like they claim.


Dr. Pawan S. Chandak:

Distribution of Preventive medicine in various Genus Epidemicus like Chikangunia, Viral fever, Conjunctivitis. Are you agreeing with Genus Epidemicus concept of Dr. Hahnemann if not then why?  


Dr. Luc:

Genus epidemicus is just as valid as in Hahnemann’s time. Every year we can apply it in our flu epidemics and we could apply it also for those epidemics worldwide with fancy names.


Dr. Pawan S. Chandak:

Any experience, disadvantages you have noted with LM potency, any positive result you have experienced with LM potency ?


Dr. Luc:

LM potencies are Hahnemann’s last and best findings regarding potency selection. I would encourage the student to first get acquainted with the 5th edition split method before embarking on LMs. And when you use LM potencies, use them like Hahnemann did instead of I have seen some giving them mechanically every day, in small flacons, directly from bottle, etc.  And then they are surprised aggravations occur…


Dr. Pawan S. Chandak:

Whats your view towards Necessity for reproving of homoeopathic medicines which were proved during Hahnemannian time ? Is it really necessary and if yes does it can bring change in our Materia Medica with new discoveries ?


Dr. Luc:

We don’t need to reprove Hahnemann’s remedies. This was done by the Parisian provers later and no difference was found. Rather let us concentrate on solidifying a great universal homeopathic basis in all homeopathic schools and integrate psychology and TCM in our practice. Patients will be better for it!