Dr. Sayeed Ahmad D. I. Hom. (London)
By the term "H�morrhage" is meant the escape of blood from those vessels in which it is naturally contained, whether the discharge be external, or into one of the internal cavities of the body. Profuse and long continued h�morrhages being dangerous and the results often most serious, it is undesirable, except in emergencies, to trust to domestic treatment. In consideration, however, of the frequent suddenness of such occurrences, the impossibility of securing at all times the immediate attendance of a qualified medical man, and the importance of being prepared to act promptly to afford temporary relief, the following immediate treatment is suggested.
H�morrhage Diathesis :
In some patients a predisposition to h�morrhages exists which may be hereditary or acquired, and is designated the "H�morrhagic Diathesis". This condition probably consists in defective contractility of the arteries, which may also be fragile or soft from diseased processes, so being unable to resist the force of the circulation, especially in congestion ; and in loss of coagulability of blood, from a defective or altered character of the fibrine, the chief agent in coagulation and some change in the red corpuscles.
Hence the most trivial wound bleeds almost uncontrollably and even life may be jeopardized by a slight injury or surgical operation. The h�morrhagic diathesis may not in all cases be hereditary, but caused by diseases of the liver, spleen, etc., which then exert a deleterious influence upon the constituents of the blood.
Arterial H�morrhage :
Bright red blood which escapes in rhythmic spurts, corresponding to the beats of the heart.
Venous H�morrhage :
Dark red in colour and the blood flows evenly.
Capillary H�morrhage :
Oozing of blood. H�morrhage may also be :
a). Primary :
- At the time of operation or injury.
b). Reactionary or Recurrent :
- Occurring later when the blood pressure rises and ligature slips or a vessel opens up.
c). Secondary :
- As a rule about 10 days after injury and always due to sepsis.
Accidental H�morrhage :
Bleeding from the uterus during pregnancy. It may be revealed or concealed.
Antepartum H�morrhage :
That which occurs before labour starts.
Cerebral H�morrhage :
Rupture of a cerebral blood vessel. Likely causes are aneurysm, hypertension, apoplexy (the symptoms are coma, accompanied by stertorous breathing, and a varying degree of paralysis of the opposite side of the body to the lesion).
Concealed H�morrhage :
The blood collects in a cavity of the body.
Contrecoup H�morrhage :
That which occurs at a distance from where the force was applied e. g. a blow on the skull may cause the brain to strike the bony casing directly opposite the site of original force, causing bruising of the nerve tissues.
Extradural H�morrhage :
Bleeding inside the head, but outside the dura. The result of injury to the skull causing signs of raised intracranial pressure. The cerebrospinal fluid is not blood stained. It is treated by trephining, removal of clot and ligature of bleeding vessel.
Inevitable H�morrhage :
That which is unavoidable, as in placenta pr�via.
Intradural H�morrhage :
Bleeding beneath the dura matter. It may be due to injury and causes signs of compression. The cerebrospinal fluid will be blood stained.
Post-Partum H�morrhage :
That which occurs after child birth.
Revealed H�morrhage :
Bleeding which is obvious.
Subarachnoid H�morrhage :
Of the cerebral vessels between the pia and arachnoid mater.
Threatening abortion. ----- Cinnm. Q, 3.
In abortion, at third month. ----- Trill. Q, 6.
After abortion, worse from motion, mental or sexual excitement. ----- Sil. 30.
Causes an�mia. ----- Ferr. 3 � 6.
With prolapse ani (debility). ----- Coll. Q, 3.
Asthenic. ----- Ham. Q, 6.
Asthenic, with exhaustion. ----- Rat. 3 �6.
In atonic constitutions. ----- Mill. Q.
Black. ----- Ars., Elaps., Kali-m., Kali-p.
Black, from bowels (typhoid). ----- Rhus-t. 6 � 30.
Black, from all outlets. ----- Sul-ac. 3 � 30.
With feeling as if bones were broken. ----- Trill. Q, 6.
From bowels. ----- Sec.. Sil.
Of decomposed blood from bowels (chorea) ----- Lach. 30 � 200.
Bright. ----- Acon., Ant-t., Ars., Dros., Ferr-p., Graph., Hyos., Ipec., Kali-p., Mill., Nat-m., Trill.
With dysuria. ----- Mit. Q.
Bright in typhus ----- Nit-ac. 6.
Incoagulable. ----- Apis 30.
Bright fluid. ----- Mill. Q.
Bright, with shock from injury. ----- Phos. 6 � 30.
With Bright�s Disease. ----- Phos. 6 � 30.
From abuse of Chamomile. ----- Chin. 6 � 30.
Passive, blackened coagula, worse from Movement. ----- Sec. 30.
Lumpy, light, coagulates easily. ----- Ferr. 3 � 6.
Coagulates slowly or not at all. ----- Ars. 3 � 30.
Clotted. ----- Kali-m. 3 � 12.
Thick clots, fluid, or in one grumous mass, thick and tarry. ----- Plat. 30.
Causes collapse and death (Cyanosis, Asphyxia) ----- Anthr. 30.
Relieves congestion. ----- Meli. Q, 6.
Causes convulsions. ----- Chin. Q, 6.
After violent cough. ----- Coch. 3.
Dark. ----- Ant-c., Apis, Caust., Ign., Lyc., Nat-m., Nit-ac., Ph-ac.
Dark, easily coagulating. ----- Puls. 6 � 30.
Incoagulable, dark, in typhoid. ----- Lach. 30 � 200.
Dark, from nose, gums and bowels. ----- Am-c. 6.
Causes delirium. ----- Chin. Q, 6.
H�morrhagic Diathesis. ----- Sec. 30.
From different parts of body. ----- Anthr. 30.
In drops, crimson. ----- Gels. Q, 30.
Bad effects. ----- Chin., Ferr., Ham., Nux-m., Stront.
Bad effects, after blood letting. ----- Bism., Lyc.
Of external ears. ----- Bufo 6.
At 10, every evening and during day when Removing dress. (Syphiltic ulceration of penis). ----- Lac-c. 30.
From over-exertion. ----- Nit-ac. 6.
From external and internal parts. ----- Arn. 3 � 30.
Exudations, h�morrhage. ----- Anthr. 30.
Six, profuse, on twentieth day after typhoid Malarial fever. ----- Ham. Q, 6.
With yellow fever, at an early stage. ----- Phos. 6 � 30.
Fluid. ----- Ars. 3 � 30.
Frequent and profuse, pouring out freely, then ceasing for a time. ----- Phos. 6 � 30.
From gums. ----- Lach. 30 � 200.
Occasional, profuse with h�moptysis. ----- Phos. 6 � 30.
Causes hysteria. ----- Stict. 6.
From inner parts. ----- Calc., Phos. 6 � 30.
From inner parts, particularly if blood is dark. ----- Nux-v. 6 � 30.
Causes iritis, after confinement. ----- Chin. Q, 6.
All kinds, mostly from lungs and bowels. ----- Mill. Q.
From leech bites. ----- Alum. 6 � 30.
With cold legs. ----- Trill. Q, 6.
Lips white. ----- Ipec., Ver. 30.
Of mechanical origin. ----- Arn. 30, Mill. Q.
Between menses. ----- Mang. 3 � 30.
From all mucous membranes ----- Ham. Q, 6.
With tranquil mind. ----- Ham. Q, 6.
After miscarriage. ----- Bell., Nit-ac. 30.
From nose and teeth, at intervals. ----- Kreos. 3 � 30.
From nose, lungs and rectum. ----- Kali-i. 30.
In old women, after climacteric period. ----- Merc. 6.
From all orifices. ----- Aran. Q, 3 � 30.
Oozing from every orifices and even pores. ----- Crot-h. 3 � 6.
Post-partum, preventive. ----- Mill. Q.
Passive. ----- Ph-ac., Sec., Ter.
Passive clotted. ----- Thlaspi Q, 6.
Passive, dark. ----- Thlaspi Q, 6.
Passive, dark, grumous (Menorrhagia). ----- Ferr. 3 � 6.
Passive, with diseased liver or spleen. ----- Card-m. Q.
Passive, profuse, from all parts. ----- Thlaspi. Q, 6.
Passive, blood thin, blood corpuscles wanting in Consequence of dissolution (H�maturia). ----- Sec. 30.
With bluish black prepuce (Syphilis). ----- Kreos. 3 � 30.
Profuse. ----- Nit-ac., Phos., Trill.
Profuse, bright, arterial. ----- Ham. Q, 6.
Profuse, passive. ----- Kreos. 3 � 30.
Profuse, in pneumonia. ----- Kali-m. 3 � 30.
Profuse, especially of nose, kidneys and uterus. ----- Trill. Q, 6.
With thread like pus. ----- Sec. 30.
From rectum. ----- Cact. Q, 3 � 6.
Repeated from nose and mouth, with bluish red, lentil shaped spots all over body (Purpura). ----- Rhus-t. 6 � 30.
From rhagades. ----- Nit-ac. 6.
Septic. ----- Kali-p., Lach.
Seemingly stop and in a few hours return. ----- Puls. 6 � 30.
From free surface and from tissues. ----- Phos. 6 � 30.
Typhoid, with fetid stools, followed by prostration. ----- Kreos. 3 � 30.
Tendency. ----- Crot-h., Lach., Phos.
From extracting teeth. ----- Alum. 6 � 200.
Tendency, with cancer uteri, fungoid, malignant sarcoma, cauliflower excrescence in degraded states of system. ----- Crot-h. 3 � 6.
Tendency to, in old or in temperate subjects. ----- Crot-h. 3 � 6.
Follows detaching a piece of membrane from tonsil. ----- Lac-c. 30.
From various organs. ----- Urt-u. Q.
From various parts, blood dark, viscid, clotted, forming Itself into long black strings, hanging from bleeding orifice. ----- Croc. Q, 30.
After arrest, disposition to be vehement. ----- Ign. 6 � 200.
Vicarious. ----- Lach. 30 � 200.
Vicarious from nose, stomach, anus, urethra. ----- Phos. 6 � 30.
Viscid. ----- Kali-m. 3 � 12.
Watery. ----- Nat-m. 12 � 30.
Watery, or bright. ----- Dulc. 3 � 30.
Sensation of weight in part from which blood flows. ----- Sep. 12 � 200.
After wounds. ----- Arn., Cop.
It is a great h�morrhagic ; there is bleeding of black blood from every orifice. ----- Sul-ac. 6 � 200.
It is an anti-h�morrhagic and anti-uric acid remedy.
H�morrhage from uterine fibroid with aching in back.
Uterine h�morrhage. Frequent epistaxis. Bleeding in nasal operation. Especially passive h�morrhage. ----- Thlaspi Q, 6.
Any information given in this Article is not intended to be taken as a replacement for medical advice. Any person with a condition requiring medical attention should consult a well qualified classical hom�opath.
Copyright � Dr. Sayeed Ahmad 2004
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