Modern Homoeopathy

Monthly Newsletter January 2008

From The Desk of Editor


Dr. Pawan S. Chandak


Wish You Happy & Prosperous New Year. Thank you very much for your valuable suggestions and encouraging words regarding our Online Monthly E-Newsletter 'Modern Homoeopathy - An evidence based Homoeopathy'. Also thanks for your kind co-operation by contributing quality articles and submitting feedbacks & suggestions for it in last year and we expect your kind co-operation & suggestion in future also.

We are feeling very happy that more than 1400 homoeopaths including Students & Practitioners have subscribed our journal till now from different parts of the world.

Our monthly Yes or No poll on Homoeopathy has got tremendous response on important subjects like upgradation of 6th edition of Organon, CME on Homoeopathy & last multiple choice poll on Use of Repertory etc. Now we are with multiple choice poll. We got very good response for our new idea of Quiz Contest including Diagnostic Quiz & Photo Quiz. Many Homoeopathic students & Practitioners have contributed by submitting their entries on time.

This time we are feeling very happy for a new attraction of our journal which is                              

an interview of Dr. Luc De Schepper who is founder of the Renaissance Institute of Classical Homeopathy in Cambridge, Massachsetts and author of twelve books on homeopathy, acupuncture, and holistic health care. Dr. Luc has seen over 200,000 patients in 29 years of practice, and in recent years has treated them exclusively with homeopathic remedies in LM potencies.

Thanks to Dr. Luc De Schepper for his valuable contribution in giving his valuable time for our Email Interview.

From this month we are introducing three new column i.e. Veterinary Homoeopathy, Research in Homoeopathy and Homoeopathic Drug Proving which include quality article, recent papers, research papers on related subjects.

Also Thanks to Dr. George Loukas, Dr. Poonam Godbole, Dr. Samir Chaukker, Dr. Varsha Sharma, Dr. Sayeed Ahmed, Dr. Madalyn Ward, Marijke Creveld, Peter Chapell and our editorial Board Member specially Dr. Sudinkumar & Dr. Shajikutty.

Our current issue is on Alcoholism. Alcoholism is becoming a very serious problem in recent years. According to the survey, about 20% of teens are considered as 'problem drinkers' which means that after getting drunk they are responsible for majority of the road accidents and fatalities. Homoeopathy is having broad scope in the treatment of alcoholism. So it is time to concentrate & understand its general medical approach, etiology, basic clinical picture, utility & scope & the Homoeopathic Approach including Constitutional & Miasmatic approach.

So Lets share your experience & opinion regarding our current issue on Alcoholism. Your suggestion & feedback are important for us to improve the quality of our Online Newsletter.

Yours Homoeopathically


Dr. Pawan S. Chandak

Chief Editor

'Modern Homoeopathy'

Monthly E-Newsletter

Cell: +91-9422924861

