Modern Homoeopathy

Monthly Newsletter July 2008


Diagnostic Quiz

July 2008


Every winner who will answer all question correctly his name will be displayed on website & he will get Appreciation Certificate.

One Lucky winner amongst correct entry will get Special gift & Appreciation certificate.


Correct Answers of Diagnostic Quiz Contest June 2008 is

1) Oral candidiasis
2) Pulmonary Tuberculosis
3) Gelsemium

And winner of  Diagnostic Quiz Contest June 2008 is

Dr. Vinay Ishnava,

6 prakash park, near mother school

Gotri road, Baroda, Gujrat.

Diagnostic Quiz

[FrontPage Save Results Component]


1. Visual Quiz

 Diagnose the condition of the HIV positive patient having sticky eruption over the lips.



2. Radiological Quiz

Diagnose from X ray of 25 year patient having fatigue and malaise, as well as increased dyspnoea, shortness of breath, wheezing, or pleuritic pain. X Ray shows shows increased pulmonary markings, pleural changes..



3. Find the similimum of the following case

A 12 year old boy having High Grade Fever with chilliness due to exposure to cold and damp weather with right sided tonsillitis, swelling of cervical lymph node of right side, tongue is thick yellow at base, tip and edge red, constant inclination to swallow. Aggravation by warm drinks & better by cold drinks. Find the similimum of the case.




Name Of Participant:



If you are having any problem in sending the form then please copy this page send by email attachment to us at Or Send your answer at

Dr. Pawan S. Chandak & Dr. Mrs. Asha P. Chandak

'Shradha' Vishnu Nagar, Basmat Road

Parbhani 431 401

Maharashtra, India

Tel: +91-2452-220001

Cell: +91-9422924861


Send your answers up to 25/08/2008 with your name, address & email ids.

Name of correct entries will be displayed in next issue. He will get Appreciation certificate from us.

Lucky winner will be only one amongst correct entries will be selected by Lucky draw and will get special prize from us.