Modern Homoeopathy

Monthly E-Newsletter January 2008

Book Review

Title:                     Lessons from the Grand Rounds

Author:                        V. K. Amdekar, R D. Khare, R. R. Chokani

Pages:                        265

Price-                           Rs. 200

Publishers -               Not mentioned, Available with the NJH Book Club of National Journal Of Homoeopathy

Book Reviewed by: Dr. Shajikutty

About Book:
If anybody wants to update the knowledge of paediatrics , this book will satisfy the quest.

A book conceived & created from the table of clinical classes of neonatology & paediatrics OP.

72 chapters rich in clinical knowledge .

The presentation is  in the reverse order of normal presentation of medicine books ie. from symptomatology & history to diagnosis & clinical significance.

Each chapter starts with Case History, physical examination, followed by analysis, investigation, analysis, final diagnosis, key messages & finally with relevant information in that particular diagnosis. Key messages & relevant information completes the discussion with differential diagnosis.

The most widely discussed portion is the chapters on Fever which is almost complete in content.
Chapter on breathlessness, haematuria, convulsion etc are filled with complete information. Chapters on failure to thrive , developemental  delays, cyanosis, echymosis associated with different ages &conditions gives a brief yet remarkable impressions on the reader. In toto if one reads only the portion of Key messages distributed throughout  the book , then also the purpose is served.

Really a book double the worth for the price we pay. 

Book Reviewed by: Dr. Shajikutty