Parbhani, India
"Why you are lightening tube light ?, Why you dont switch off CFL ?, Why you are making noise ?, Why you are making noise of footstep ?, Switch off the light, OOh Why i am not feeling better ?, Press the forehead, Give me some effective medicine".
By observing above cries of Patient we are sure that Patient is having headache but don't want to move, aversion to noise, light, jar, don't want to talk, irritable better by pressure.
Here is brief story of the patient
Headache in which pain in frontal region extending to temples.
> pressure, sleeping in semi erect position
< jarring, noise, lying down, light.
Headache after fever.
Thirst is less
Throbbing pain
Pain - Head < fever after
< jar
< lying down
< light
< Dark
< noise from
> pressure
Thirst : Less
Head - Throbbing
By considering above totality of symptom Belladonna is right choice
It has given speedier relief to patient within 2 hours.
Repertorial Analysis
Kents Repertory:
Pain Head
jar from: Bell, Bry, Glon, Led, Nit-ac, Sil
light: Bell, Calc
lying in dark room amelioration
noise from: Bell, Calc,
Pulsating: Bell, Carb-s, Carb-v, Chin-v, Ferr, Glon, Lyc, Nat-m, Puls, Psor, Sulph.
Shaking head: Bell, Glon, Nux-v
Pressure amelioration: Am-c, Bell, Bry, Ferr, Lach, Mag-m, Mag-p, Nux-v, Puls, Stann.
Thirst - Less : Bell
By considering above totality of symptom Belladonna is right choice.
Belladonna 200 single dose given
It has given speedier relief to patient within 2 hours.
Reference from:
Materia Medica by Boericke
Allen's Key notes
Homoeopathic Repertory by Kent
Synthesis Repertory
Article by
Dr. Pawan S. Chandak
‘Shradha’ Vishnu nagar,
Basmat Road, Parbhani 431401
Maharashtra, India
Cell: +91-9422924861