Burns and its Homoeopathic Management

by Dr. Pawan S. Chandak BHMS

Parbhani, India

Email: pavanchandak498@gmail.com



Heat, friction, or chemicals cause burns whereas hot liquids cause scalds.

If burns are extensive then there is a danger of shock as well as infection. Any burn that is bigger than the palm of the hand needs medical attention.

First AID Care:

Call the emergency services immediately.

Do your best to remove the injured person from the source of the burn or fire without hurting yourself.

If a person is on fire push them to the ground and smother the fire with a heavy fabric.


Stages of Burns: 

first degree burn affects the outer layer of skin and causes heat, redness and pain.

A second degree burn causes damage to the dermis layers below the skin and results in blistering.

A third degree burn destroy both the upper and lower layers of skin as well the nerves endings. If there is much dead tissue in the burn it may easily become septic. This burn causes pain followed by numbness and loss of sensation.

Second and third degree burns can be dangerous because the body may loose a lot of fluid through them as well as go into shock.


General Management: -

- Cover the burnt surface (first three degrees) with linen rags soaked in a saturated solution of alumen or of biborate of soda, and the air kept off by allowing the linen to remain close contact with the burn and keeping it wet with the solution.

- When the blisters form, the water ought to be removed by puncture and taking care to preserve skin.

- DR. Constantine Hering recommends these burns and scalds Cantharis internally and as a lotion externally.

- For burns of the third and fourth degree castile soap, internally the sixth and externally Olive oil or Glycerin and soap are recommended.


Materia Medica

ACONITE (2). Use immediately after the accident to counteract the nervous shock or when reaction has taken place, and there is dry, burning heat of the skin, head hot and painful, face is red, pulse hard, frequent and contracted. There is great restlessness, panic, and fear of death.

ARNICA (1). Helps prevent sequels such as shock after severe, deep burns and prevent septicemia. Inflammation of skin and cellular tissue with extreme tenderness an pain. Patient does not want to be approach and tell everyone present they are all right and wants to be left alone.

ARSENICUM (3*). Deep burns with vesicles and infected flesh that turn black showing tendency toward gangrene, inflammatory swelling, with burning, lancinating pains. Infection from dead tissue remaining in the wound. Great anguish and restlessness, changes place constantly. Fears death and being left alone. Thinks it is useless to take medicine. Prostration which may seem out of proportion with the situation. Colic after severe burns.

CALENDULA (2). This remedy is useful for minor first degree burns caused by fire or the sun. Calendula hinders and prevents gangrene and promotes granulation, as well as prevents disfiguring scars. Prevents loss of blood and excessive pain. It is a good remedy to use to promote healing after specific acute remedies have remove the shock, excessive pain and immediate symptoms. Use this remedy internally in potency and externally as a lotion.

CANTHARIS (3*). If used early it will prevent the formation of blisters. This is the most used remedy. Scalds, burns and sunburns with vesicular character, blisters, and superficial ulceration. Small vesicles coalesce to form larger blisters. Burns and scalds with rawness and burning better > by cold applications, followed by undue inflammation. Tetanic or epileptiform convulsions follow by coma. Extensive burns cause renal complications. Patient is worse < touch, approach and better > rest. Use internally and externally in lotion.

CARBOLIC ACID (1) Burns that ulcerate and tend not to heal.

CAUSTICUM (2). Useful for the ill effect of deep burns as well as old burns do not get well. Chemical burns and scalds. Intensely sympathetic, thinking of complaints aggravates them.

CHINA AND HEPAR (1) - Excessive suppuration, a great drain upon the system, retarding healing process.

OPIUM (1) - Disposition to convulsions and other spasmodic affections from fright.

RHUS TOX (2 ). After burns and scalds with vesicles, bullae (large blisters), pustules. The burns are extensive but more superficial although there may be erysipelas with typhoid-like symptoms, sensorium becomes cloudy.

SAPO CASTIL (1). Burns of third and fourth degree, internally and externally.

SOL (2). This remedy is made from poetized sunlight. It is useful in sunburn both as a preventative in those who are extremely sensitive to the sun and as well curative in overexposure. May be useful in reducing the amount of UV radiation in the skin.

URTICA URENS (3). For simple burns involving the skin, first degree burns. Intense burning and itching. Useful in chemical burns caused by poisonous plants. Use internally and externally.



BURNS, in general - Acon., arn., ARS., Calen., CANTH., carb-ac., Caust., Rhus-t., Sol., URT-U..

Ailments from burns - Carbo-ac., caust., pic-ac.. black, deep burns turns, gangrene - ARS..

Blisters -

bullae (large blisters) - Rhus-t..

prevent from arising - CANTH., Kali-m.

small vesicles coalesce to form larger blisters - Canth..

chemical burns - Caust..

mind - anguish and restlessness, changes place constantly - Ars..

fears death - Acon, Ars..

Fears of alone, and being - Ars..

nervous shock - Acon..

panic- ACON..

shock after severe, deep burns - Arn..

sympathetic, intensely, thinking of complaints aggravates them - Caust..

useless, thinks it is, to take medicine - ars..

old burns do not heal - carb-ac., Caust..

prevents - infection and promotes granulation - CALEN..

disfiguring scars - Calen..

superficial burns that burn and itch intensely - Urt-u.


Note: - After severe and extensive burns there will be formation of Hypertrophied Scar so to reduce that scar: -

- Apply Moisturizing Cream or Mustard Oil Locally and rub it gently.

- Use Pressure garments on affected part.

- Take internally 'Thiocinamonum' medicine in low potency.

- In Case of Glandular swelling indicates - 'Calcaria Fluor' in low potency.


Article Presented by

Dr. Pawan S. Chandak

‘Shradha’ Vishnu nagar,

Basmat Road, Parbhani 431401

Maharashtra, India

Cell: +91-9422924861

Email: pavanchandak498@gmail.com

Website: http://www.modernhomoeopathy.com