Modern Homoeopathy

E-Newsletter June 2008

Student Corner

MCQS & Questions for the Preparation of UPSC & MD (Homoeopathy) Entrance Examination

Kindly send your answers by email at in format like Question No: & Answer option. Also send your name. Those participant who will answer correctly his name will be declared at website.


Organon of Medicine:

1) Who is worst question among the following to treat ? (UPSC 2002)

a) Hypochondriac patient  b) Idisyncratic Patient

c) Hysterical Patient         d) Non-cooperative patient


2) If physiotherapy is initially administered to psychosomatic patient it will cause ? (UPSC 2004)

a) Aggravation  b) Homoeopathic aggravation

c) Amelioration  d) Amelioration followed by aggravation


3) Vital Force exists in : (KPSC / Lect / Org-05)

a) The curative medicine           b) The patient

c) Both in medicine and patient d) The palliative medicine


4) Who taught the palliative method ? (KPSC / Org / Re-05)

a) Galen's Teaching            b) Plato' Teaching

c) Ascepius teaching          d) Cullen's teacher


Materia Medica:

5) Pain as if bones were all torn to pieces is the particular of: (KPSC / Lect / Rep-04)

a) Cimicifiga                 b) Colocynthis

c) Ipecac                      d) Magnesia Phosphorica 


6) Find the odd match (Drug- symptom) out: (KPSC / Lect / Mat-Med 04)

a) Sepia - fond of company    b) Causticum - sympathetic

c) Lachesis - loquacious       d) Natrum Muriaticum - obscessive


7) The common feature of Lachesis, Lil Tig and Thuja Occidentalis is : (KPSC / Lect / Mat Med 2004)

a) Left sided complaints                           b) Anti-sycotic background

c)  Menses flow only when moving about   d) Indifference


8) In Duodenal ulcer canine hunger and tendency to eat far beyond capacity to digest: (KPSC / Lect / Practice of Med 2005)

a) Nux Vomica                      b) Abies Canadensis

c) Abies Nigra                       d) Sulphur


9) Atrophy of breast with absence of menses is a feature of: (KPSC / Obs-gyn 2005)

a) Damiana                       b) Pitutarin

c) Iodum                           d) Onosmodium


Homoeopathic Repertory:

10) How many medicines are there in Boennighausen's Repertory (UPSc 2002)

a) 347                       b) 438

c) 547                       d) 638


11) Delusion is expressed as false (UPSC 2004)

a) Thinking         b) Belief

c) Dream           d) Memory


12) "Repertory of Haemorrhoid" was written by: (KPSC / Lect / Rep 2004)

a) 1886             b) 1890

c) 1782             c) 1990


Human Anatomy: 

13) Superior cerebral vein drains into

a) Great cerebral vein         b) Vein of Galen

c) Superior sagittal vein      d) Inferior Sagittal sinus


Human Physiology

14) Serum motility is caused by (MD/Him/ ENT - 1/01)

a) Epidydimitis         b) Testis

c) Vas-deferens        d) Prostatic Infection


Homoeopathic Pharmacy

15) Graminaceae members are (KPSC/Lect/Pharm-04)

a) Avena Sativa     b) Cynodon Dactylon

c) Both of above    d) None of the above.


Human Pathology:

16) Cloudy swelling occurs in all except (UPSC2002)

a) Heart   b) Kidney

c) Liver    d) Lung.


Forensic Medicine & Toxicology:

17) Deep blue colour of hypostasis is seen in death due to poisoning by: (All India 2004)

a) Potassium cyanide   b) Phosphorous

c) Aniline dyes             d) Carbon Monoxide


Community Medicine

18) Reservior of Indian Kala azar is: (AIIMS / May 03)

a) Man    b) Rodent   c) Canine  d) Equine



19) Babu is brough to the emergency as a case of road-traffic accident. He is hypotensive. Most likely ruptured organ is

a) Spleen           b)Mesentry       c) Kindney          d) Rectum



20) Which is infecting agent of Ankylostoma duodenale ? (KPSC - R/E-05)

a) Filiform larva     b) Mosquito bite    c) Inhalation of dust     d) Bite of sand fly. 



Source: Solved MCQS for UPSC & MD (Homoeopathy) Entrance Examination by Dr. V.K. Chauvan published by B Jain Publishers Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi