Modern Homoeopathy

Monthly Newsletter December 2007


Diagnostic Quiz

December 2007


Every winner who will answer all question correctly his name will be displayed on website & he will get Appreciation Certificate.

One Lucky winner amongst correct entry will get Special gift & Appreciation certificate.


Correct Answer of Previous issue November 2007of Diagnostic Quiz:

1) Impetigo
2) Bronchiectasis
3) Arsenic Album

Diagnostic Quiz

[FrontPage Save Results Component]

1. Visual Quiz

Diagnose from above photograph 'overgrowth of tissue at the site of a healed skin injury' .



2. Radiological Quiz

Patient is having pain in right subcostal region radiating to back and to shoulder. Diagnose the condition from above USG of abdomen



3. Find the similimum of the following case

Women is having hot flushes at menopausal age worse by mental strain, exertion, hot flushes without perspiration, sensitive to touch, cannot tolerate tight clothing, she feels worse after sleep, burning vertex headachae at menopausal age.




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Dr. Pawan S. Chandak & Dr. Mrs. Asha P. Chandak

'Shradha' Vishnu Nagar, Basmat Road

Parbhani 431401

Maharashtra, India

Tel: +91-2452-220001

Cell: +91-9422924861


Send your answers up to 05/01/2008 with your name, address & email ids.

Name of correct entries will be displayed in next issue. He will get Appreciation certificate from us.

Lucky winner will be only one amongst correct entries will be selected by Lucky draw and will get special prize from us.



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